A Very Artistic Interview

A Very Artistic Interview

The Convergence Chronicle sat down with the owner and operators of the Convergence Gallery this month.  Miss Nadya and Mister Marco were kind enough to answer our questions about running the Gallery and also about their upcoming nuptials.

We started the interview thanking Nadya and Marco for joining us and letting them know that if there was anything that we asked they did not feel comfortable answering, or they simply could not answer to feel free to jump over it and ask for another question. 

The Convergence Gallery is a huge part of Convergence life.  We at the Convergence Chronicle have been attending gallery parties, galas, and simply enjoying the paintings and other displays for a long time.  Our first question had to be, "What was it like, first taking over the Gallery and trying to plan your first event?"

Nadya was the first to pipe up in an excited fashion, "Nerve-wracking! I still remember meeting with Mr. Frossen, handing over my art profile and being so nervous to prove to him that we know about art! The rest of it seemed to go smoothly. We just wanted to make him proud."  Marco was somewhat more subdued in his approach to the question, "A welcome challenge. Nadya and I have been doing work like this for some time, being in the field of art for what seems like forever. We were part of a relief effort to restore the Museum of Art in New Orleans when we lived within the city. Coming to Convergence and speaking to Frossen, we were anxious to have a project where we could let our passions shine."

The Convergence Chronicle went on next to explain how  thoroughly impressed with the Gallery we have been since it has been taken over by Nadya and Marco.  Our next question was, "What inspires the two of you?"  Nadya replied,  "Thank you so very much! About a billion things. Words, people, friends, family--experiences. We have an incredible capability for imagining things and we enjoy bringing the paper to life!"  Marco spoke coolly, "Art, which would be an obvious answer. Society and the people within it. Stories that have been given and recited over the passage of time and the freedom of interpretation one has to bring that beauty to life."

As it is clear by the responses, Nadya and Marco are dedicated to art, and get excited about it.  We asked, "What has been the hardest part of running the Gallery thus far?"  Nadya began, "Probably the fact that I want to be there all the time painting things and I can't be? It's also a great challenge to live up to Mr. Frossen and now Miss Iris' expectations."  Marco continued, "While art has seen a steady decline in appreciation in other cities that we have traveled through, this was not the case with Convergence and the Remnants Gallery. So many citizens of the city seem to enjoy being in the space, surrounded by art and allowing their minds to absorb the impressions that hang on the walls. It's a humbling feeling for sure and it is that that I think has been the hardest - delivering something new and fresh for everyone that comes to see us."

It appears they have some very real challenges, so the obvious question next was, "What has been the easiest part of running the Gallery thus far?"  Nadya stated, "Working with such a fantastic team of people. Our models for the first event were incredible and our benefactors are always amazingly supportive."  While Marco continued with, "Art is always easy for the pair of us. The easiest thing is the art and bringing everything to life."

At this point we at the Convergence Chronicle switched gears to talk about something else.  It is really no secret that Nadya and Marco are going to be married and so we decided to scratch a little bit of the surface of the marriage.  "Should Convergence look forward to an event like the ones you put on for the Gallery to happen at your wedding as well?"  Nadya laughed, "Much, much bigger. We have a lot of grand ideas for our wedding. It's also going to be a Masquerade themed reception so there's my little hint."  Marco went on to state that the invitations will go out soon, but most of the wedding is shrouded in mystery.

"Tell us; who asked who, and how did it happen?  What's the 'proposal story?'"  Nadya told the Convergence Chronicle that Marco cornered her in the Gallery and sang to her.  "He's had this ring for a really, really long time. It was incredibly romantic."  Marco encourages, "I worked up the courage to give her the ring I have held in my pocket everyday for years. A word of advice for the bachelor's undertaking this - just go for it. You will spend what will feel like many life times trying to work up the right things to say, the right setting...spontaneity will do it all. Sometimes the most beautiful places are right in front of us, sometimes the right words are resting right on our tongue, we just have to escape our own heads and let them out."

The story itself does sound romantic.  Nadya was inside the Gallery after the first Gala, standing in front of the portrait of her and Marco as the Zodiac sign Gemini.  Due to the fact that Nadya loves Phantom of the Opera, he began to sing one of her favorite songs, 'Til I Hear You Sing Once More.'  "I knew that song meant a lot to her, to both of us, and just letting the lyrics put into prose how I felt, what I wanted, was enough to make her smile and the word 'Yes' to come. I can honestly say that I have never been happier in my life."

We asked, "If you had it to do all over again, that is, if you could go back in time, is there anything either of you would change?"  Nadya replied, "I only wish I'd known sooner how much I love him but I've got a lot of time to make it up to Marco by making him a very very happy husband."  Marco continued, "I would have given her the ring and asked her to be my wife the very night I had purchased it instead of allowing it to lay cold and wasted in my pocket for so many years. My waiting was almost unfair to her, I realized, when she admitted her feelings had somehow always been that way for me. But I also believe that everything happens as it should and this is exactly where we were meant to be, in our lives, to come together forever." 

We closed out the interview with asking if the two of them could give any advise to the people of Convergence, what would it be?  Nadya's message to the Citizens of Convergence was, "I would tell the citizens of Convergence to stand strong and to stand together. There are a lot of rough times ahead of us but I truly believe that so long as this city stands together, we'll get through it."  And Marco stated after some deliberation, "Do not ever loose sight of what is important. It is easy to become constricted by the agendas of others, to allow that to warp your sense of self and your morality. Never compromise. Be you and allow the world to see that, be strong for those you love and always face forward. The past can teach us many things, but backward glances tear our gazes away from the future."

The Convergence Chronicle wholeheartedly thanks Nadya and Marco for joining us.  We hope the two enjoyed our little interview and also that our readers enjoyed reading about the trials and tribulations of running the Remnants Art Gallery.

Reporter: Ruukah Kurosawa  

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