Monthly Spotlight

Monthly Spotlight

June Spotlight

Snow in Summer

In the Month of June we were joined by Miss Snow Nevah.  She is new to Convergence and like most who end up at the Chronicle, she came for the free pizza.  We really cannot fault anyone for coming for our free pizza.  Other than the Bistro, it's some of the best pizza in town.  It is made from homemade goat cheese and filled with the love and devotion we have to our readers.

Miss Nevah is the niece of a long-standing citizen of Convergence, Abey Nevah.  Snow came to Convergence to live and study with her aunt who works at the Convergence City Library.  She was quite excited to join us at the Chronicle and ended up asking us just about as many questions as we asked her.  She is working on becoming acquainted with the city, and ultimately becoming acquainted with the world again as a whole.

Snow's story is a bit different from some of those that come to Convergence, but probably not an uncommon one given the state of the world.  She and her family hid in an underground shelter beneath her aunt's house when D13 hit and have essentially been staying there with a small community this entire time.  The elders and strongest of the family go up and down into the wilds for supplies, but the youngest stay down out of the fray, and that is where Snow has been for the past five years.

Snow only recently turned eighteen-years-old, and it is only now that she has been able to resurface.  The world is brand new to her.  We at the Convergence Chronicle asked, "You had been locked away for five years.  What was it like to come out for the first time in so long?"  She seemed to think for a moment before beginning, "Well, first I got vaccinated against D13..."  She continued, "It was odd.  I expected things to be bad, but not like totally destroyed or places abandoned."

Snow went on to describe difficult travel plans and despite having people meet her at various destinations, that she was basically traveling alone.  When she reached Convergence, her aunt was incredibly upset to realize she had traveled halfway around the world by herself, "Abey was so mad that I was sent alone.  I swear she thinks I'm still five-years-old some days, but I love her."

Young Snow Nevah's most memorable moment so far has been going to work with her aunt at the Convergence City Library, "The Library, oh my God, so many good books.  More than we had pre-D13!"  Snow described that much she did while locked away from the carnage of D13 was reading, and now that she is out, she still does a lot of reading.

We at the Convergence Chronicle want to thank Miss Snow Nevah for joining us and sharing her story of surviving D13 with her large family and then coming back into the open to become a part of the Citizenry of Convergence.  She offered us a unique perspective of what the outside world looks like and what it is like to join the world again after such a long time.

May Spotlight

The Rolling Stone

This month the Convergence Chronicle welcomes Citizen, Sevyn.  Sevyn joined us to tell the story of how he ended up in Convergence while shoveling a rather impressive amount of pizza in his mouth.  He boasted, "I could have had a job as a professional eater if I wasn't too busy making sure you could bounce a quarter off my <redacted> at fifty paces,"  We at the Convergence Chronicle, sadly did not have a quarter at the time, however, we were donated a ruler and a pepperoni and we can say with utmost certainty that you can bounce a pepperoni off Sevyn's <redacted> from three feet away. 

"Pepperoni on my <redacted>.  There's a bad sausage joke in there somewhere."  Sevyn stated amidst the pizza eating antics.  

"Me?  What do you want to know?  I mean, you already know the important bits,"  He teased us with a snicker.  Then, Sevyn started to describe how he landed in Convergence.  He was traveling with a group of people across the mainland who heard that Convergence was a safe haven.  He spoke of how they voted to stop having to fight everyday for what they had and come to Convergence for hopefully a better and easier life, "Of course, since I've been here, I've almost been killed twice, so not sure if I it really was the best decision,"  He said with a warm laugh.  "But I have a job at the tattoo parlor now that isn't either a life risk or illegal so those are both improvements from being outside the city."

Sevyn seemed convinced that his life was boring and not worth being in the paper.  "There's nothing interesting about me for a newspaper,"  He insisted,  "I mean, I was in a ton of them before the world went to <redacted> and it got me a <redacted> ton of cash and I was swimming in pretty <redacted>."  When we pressed what papers and how he ended up in them before D13 we found out just how wrong Sevyn really is.

Our own Citizen Sevyn is a famous tattoo artist who was once featured in Rolling Stone Magazine.  The individual who does tattoos for our beautiful budding metropolis, used to do tattoos for multi-million dollar bands in their prime.  He inked celebrities and toured around the world for his artwork.  "Album covers, concert posters, rock bands, tattoos, piercings, and scars on the bodies of the hottest performance artists from San Francisco to London, man," he told us with a sing-song tone to his voice.  "Then kaboom!  D13 wiped it all out."

Talking about his glory days definitely roused a bit of nostalgia in Sevyn as he regaled us with a tale about tattooing a famous band, fixing their terrible album cover, and then <redacting> their drummer.  "He was massively hot, like, crack a beer can on his ass cheeks, hot."

One of the most interesting things we found out about Sevyn was that he makes and mixes a lot of his own inks for tattoos, paintings, and other artworks.  He truly impressed the Convergence Chronicle staff with what an old school artist he is.  The Convergence Chronicle humbly thanks Sevyn for joining us and sharing his story of how life is a roller coaster and sometimes a Rolling Stone.

Reporter: Ruka Kurosawa

April Spotlight

The Story of a Girl Who Went Up a Hill
and Came Down a Pyramid

This April during the Pizza Party at the Convergence Chronicle, we spent time with Eona Rosenthal.  Eona began her story by describing growing up in the mountains of Italy.  She said it was good to get back to 'the beginning' and a humble beginning it was.  Her family were goat farmers and she enjoyed helping her father with the goats.  However, Eona tended to be a bit of a sickly child and got hurt more than other children her age.

When she was twelve, she fell down a hill and broke several of the large bones in her body.  She was confined to a bed for a while before finally healing and being able to help her mother around the house.  Her parents no longer wanted her outside helping her father with the tougher jobs of the farm because of her frequent illness and injury.

By fifteen it was clear that Eona was deep into cancer and could barely move.  She spent most of her days in bed, watching the world go by around her.  She described feeling like Death was her only friend.

Eona fought to live and around eighteen she was doing better.  She said her mother used to call Eona, "My little fighter."  However, the times that Eona spent 'well' she described as being short-lived.  

It was this time during the interview that Eona began to tightly hug her knees and describe meeting 'Anja' a woman who would become Eona's adopted mother.

Anja was a holistic healer of sorts that would visit the town where Eona lived.  Here family were not interested in other sorts of medicines that had so far failed, and so when Anja was in town one day, they begged her to try and 'heal' their daughter.

Feeling sympathetic to Eona's plight, Anja took her higher into the mountains and nursed her back to health.  Once Eona was well enough, the two took to traveling.  Eona stated, "We went all over."  She even described breaking rules and climbing one of the pyramids in Egypt.

Eona described her adopted mother as a fearless, foulmouthed woman who enjoyed life to the fullest.  For whatever cosmic reason, the two parted ways for a time and Eona was coming to Convergence to see her again.  However, before she could get here, Anja died.  The death struck Eona hard but as so many have before her; Eona has made Convergence her home.

Eona has found friends, family, work and a purpose here in Convergence.

The Convergence Chronicle would like to sincerely thank Eona for sharing her heartfelt story of overcoming the odds with us.

Reporter: Ruka Kurosawa


Due to the Birthday feature of March there will be no March Spotlight.  Please see the 'March Birthday Madness' page to see who is featured this month.


Due to the couples' feature of February there will be no February Spotlight.  Please see the 'Cutest Couples of Convergence' to see who is featured this month.

January Spotlight

Hey Joe!

The Story of a War 'Hero'

During the most recent Pizza Party at the Convergence Chronicle, Owner of the Convergence City Dojo, Colonel Uvall Galuptra joined us to spin yarns about his time in the military.  The Chronicle asked if he had any funny or interesting stories to tell about his time in the service.  Colonel Uvall sat back in his chair and began a rather interesting tale about his friend 'Joe.'

"We were in Korean, during the DMZ conflict back in 1967.  We had been in the same position for months, not much amenities to go 'round.  Finally, one month, we were given these real nice bends up on the second floor of this apartment building."  The Colonel began his story, leaning back in a comfortable chair.  It was then that we at the Chronicle realized just how much of an elder war hero the Colonel really is.  After all, Korean DMZ was quite a long time ago.

As the story continued, he regaled us with how there had been a mistake and Joe's room ended up outfitted with two beds instead of one.  Rather than being humbly thankful for such a mistake, Joe decided to make certain that everyone in the unit knew that he had two beds.  He went on and on about it for days and no one could get him to shut-up about his little slice of Heaven.  To make matters worse, the young military man that was Joe, went out and spent all his money on some silk sheets and a fancy mink blanket to go with his pair of beds.

After some decorating, he called in his buddies to show them what he had done with his new found treasures.  Joe had pushed the beds together up by the window and draped silk sheets and a mink blanket across them.  Now, as the Colonel described it, in truth it was not much more than a pair of cots, two dirty sheets and a blanket, but to someone who had been in war for so long it was as if he were lording over a king's castle.

On and on Joe went about his castle on the second floor of this apartment building.  The rest of the men had grown quite fed up with him, but as Karma is wont to do, it stung Joe and his lovely silk sheets.

The problem with spending all ones money on silk sheets and a mink blanket, was that he had no money to buy anything else.  Joe had no towels in his little apartment and so he had to air dry after every shower.  

The Colonel began to laugh as he started to tell of the day that Joe lost his lovely double bed.  "So he gets out of the shower one day, naked as the day he was born, and he stands there with his hands on his hips as he gazed at his bed.  Like a king with his throne.  Now, he got so damned excited that he decided to take a running start to jump into bed after a hard day."  There were tears in the Colonel's eyes by now as he laughed.  "So he ran up, jumped and the silk sheets are so smooth 'n slippery, that he immediately slides across them on his mink blanket like he was a damned penguin, and zoom!"

Poor Joe went right out the second story window, naked and flailing into the breeze.  To add insult to injury, the young man landed right in front of his commanding officer with a dull thud into the mud.  Needless to say, they took away Joe's lovely double bed and he and his silk sheets and mink blanket were on the floor after that.

Sadly, as Colonel Uvall finished this story, he sighed and described how this funny young man 'Joe' died in a cross-border raid a few months later.  "Was never the same without him around." Uvall stated while clearing his throat.

Now, Colonel Uvall lives in Convergence, teaching Tai Chi to its citizens, and he has a little robot he calls 'Joe' following him around.  He has taught the robot to the salute the American Flag and we at the Convergence Chronicle salute the Colonel for his service to his country and for his service to Convergence.

Reporter: Ruka Kurosawa

December Spotlight

Fists of Fury

The Story of Lexxus

The Convergence Chronicle recently hosted a small get-together for its citizens where individuals could come and tell tales.  One such citizen regaled us with her, "rise to underground status as Convergence's Pit Fighting Champion."  It was a night for pizza, hot wings, beer and hearing all about how Citizen Lexxus ended up in Convergence and eventually the Night Market Pit.

Citizens might be surprised to hear that even ADA came to our Story Night, and seemed highly interested in hearing about Lexxus.  ADA is quoted as saying during the evening, "Continue your recounting of tales.  We wish to further digitally imprint your voice and mannerisms."  This let us at the Convergence Chronicle know right away, that Lexxus is a big deal.

During the evening Lexxus offered her skills of, "<Redacted> people up, and destroying cities," to ADA.  Our esteemed AI unit politely declined the offer.  Despite ADA declining, Lexxus entered into a small scrap to display her skills.  Another citizen and her engaged in a gentlemanly boxing match that ended with Lexxus suplexing the individual into a soft squishy black pillow.  

It was quite the evening!  But through the results of that brawl there was no mistaking that Lexxus is the undisputed fighting champion of Convergence.

After the show of strength and skill, Lexxus sat down for another beer and to finish her story of just how she became our Champion.

"People love me, because I force them to, with violence." Lexxus told one reporter as she recounted the story of coming to Convergence.  She described the beginning as being a possible meal ticket and a means of gaining capital.  She recalled having little pocket money and no roof over her head.  The Night Market Pit Fights offered quick money.

Ironically, one of Lexxus' first fights was the recently deceased Jackson Jones.  She described him as a scrapper, and that the fight went on for a decent amount of time.  However, it ended with her repeatedly slamming his face into the bottom of the concrete pit.  Surprisingly, Lexxus was not happy about the execution of Jones, and spoke negatively of his execution during the interview.  "Jackson Jones was mine to kill from day one."

The interviewer at one point said he would like to see Lexxus fight and she responded, "You don't want to see me fight.  You might be on the wrong end of these."  And then she proceeded to clench her fists in his direction.  We at the Chronicle fully believe no one wants to be on the receiving end of those fists!

Lexxus described a few more of her fights, including fighting Miire and Nana Tsukino-Vaduva.  About Miire she stated, "I headbutted her, and for lack of a better explanation; it exploded."  She spoke highly of Nana's skill stating, "She's the only one who's ever given me any problems.  She cut me up pretty bad."  She ended speaking of Nana with, "I was pretty disappointed that she lived, but hey! What ya going to do?"

We at the Chronicle believe it is safe to assume that Lexxus enjoys violence and death.  If she enjoys a fight with  you, she may very well put you on a personal 'death list.'  There is also likely a 'death list' for people she does not like.  Really, there is a lot of people that Lexxus wants to kill.

"No one bothers to challenge me unless they're unstable..."  Lexxus went on to describe a man who attempted and how the fight ended, "I beat his head against the wall until he couldn't remember how to brain."  She also described fighting a young woman who, "gave me a bit of tussle."  But that, "I eventually just picked her up and slammed her down until she couldn't go anymore."

Lexxus has this to say to the citizens of Convergence.  "Anyone who wants to step up...All I have to say to them is; mayday, man down.  Call the reverend.  I'll take a good shot at God's jaw if he shows up."

We at the Convergence Chronicle want to thoroughly thank Lexxus for spending time with us and sharing her story.  It was truly a pleasure.  We also want to thank ADA for joining us for the evening.  It was an honor to have our Central Intelligence Unit grace us personally.

In the future we hope to spotlight a Convergence Citizen every month.  Join us in January for another night of pizza, beer and stories for your chance at becoming the next individual to be highlighted by the Convergence Chronicle!

Reporter - Jae Joon Hwa

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