Sugar Cubed

 Sugar Cubed

The month of December was the month of interviews.  The Convergence Chronicle sat down with the beautifully fuzzy Reina, owner and proprietor of the new sweets shop, the Sugar Cube.

Arriving late in the evening and fearing that he was tardy, Reina joined Ruukah Kurosawa and Alexi Alkaev to discuss the sweets shop, and bring cookies.  The Convergence Chronicle would definitely never say 'no' to cookies.  And this goes for anyone who wishes for an interview in the future.  Cookies are always a good start.

After some nervous stammering, Reina managed to convey to the Chronicle, "Thank you for making time to see me.  I'm uh...quite nervous about this, but I've been told having something in your paper would do wonders for my business."  And then more cookies were shoved into our faces.  We were happy to receive said cookies, and began munching during the interview process.

Ruukah began, "I have been told that the Sugar Cube has very good sweets."  And Alexi followed up with, "I hope it will, at the very least, drum up a bit of interest. People tend to really enjoy the articles,"  We all proceeded to sit down with hot fooge and cookies to discuss Reina's interest in cooking and the Sugar Cube itself.

Alexi started, leaning forward with a cookie in hand, "So, you wanted to have a nice little interview.  What brought this to mind?"  Reina shifted about nervously with a blush to his cheeks.  "Well, I was simply talking to some friends, and I believe it was Miss Rin who brought it up. It's my first time owning a business and my first time really putting my talents uh...out there for others to hopefully enjoy." He explained. "It's just...shocking to think two years ago I didn't know how to make a sandwich, but now people keep telling me how good my food is."

Ruukah confirmed with Reina's self-interpretation, "Mmm, so it sounds like you took to cooking really quickly.  A natural talent for it, perhaps.  These cookies are good."  Alexi looked down in surprise to see that his own cookie was gone, and so wiping the crumbs away he began to question, "So, how did you come to learn cooking, then?"  

At this moment, Reina's mate, Tory, entered the interview as well.  She merely dropped in to show support for Reina as he answered questions.  Reina continued to blush as he tried to explain how he got into cooking.  "Well, um, my previous uh...'job' I guess...had me taking care of people that couldn't take care of themselves, and I wasn't given a lot to really work with to help them. I worked in a stable when I was young.  The closet thing I did for cooking for those there, was mixing left over rice with some salt and pepper I was able to procure every now and then. The bit of flavor always seemed to give them was something I cherished. When I arrived here in Convergence and found out about how expansive food could be with all these ingredients and fruits.  I just wanted to do more. To make the ones I love smile with every bite."

"So you used spices, even those that you had to scavenge to throw into food that was given to people used like cattle.  It made you feel good because something that had taken away individuality was given back.  Food is a form of expression to you.  It is life, love, and the pursuit of individuality and freedom.  Would you say that's correct?"  Ruukah questioned.  "Yeah, that's correct. Wow, very correct..." Reina answered in surprise, while Alexi exclaimed.  "You had a very humble start!"

"I really have to thank Dika for such a culture shock. Before I knew my kind had a home here, it was her who brought me into her camp on a rainy night and fed me warm stew for the first time. I didn't much care for the meat, but stewed vegetables? W-with a sweet roll on the side? To this day I haven't had anything that filled me with such...ecstasy! I spent days...weeks watching her make food and bake sweet bread. I's her fault that I took to making sweets more than anything else."  Reina recounted.

Alexi mused, "That is a lovely story. I suppose it was a bit of an emotional experience for you, then. The literal taste of a new world, and the gift of offering it to those you love."  Reina replied.  "I think my attraction to sweets came when I found a baking book. I was still slow at reading common, but the pictures...I swear I wasn't looking at food, but art! And then to make my first see that it was art that could be eaten! Love!"

The Convergence Chronicle asked what Reina's goals were for his lovely little shop and he replied with, "I never really thought of a goal...I mean...I've been given orders for a few wedding cakes now and there was the fetish party too, but perhaps...There is a bakery that opened here yes? Apparently it has rare ingredients to make yummy cakes and sweets that come from some far away place.  I would like to make mine at least somewhat comparable. N-No...I want to make my sweets better. T-they may not be super fancy, but they are made with ingredients found and grown here in Convergence, my home, so I'll make my homemade sweets famous and stuff!"

The Convergence Chronicle would like to thank Reina of the Sugar Cube for joining us and sharing his story, and love of sweets.

Reporter:  Ruukah Kurosawa

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