Editor's Note: In the Reeds is an independent segment and the thoughts, opinions and information contained here-in may not represent the Chronicle as a whole. Reader discretion is advised.
"Mister President"
Last week our interview with Caesar took a look at a controversial figure trying to change the world. This week we focus on the leader of the free world, President Eriskel Johnson. Comparatively less controversial, the President has an accomplished private life and won the election running counter to men like Caesar who represent more traditional values. But still the President is attempting to fight a culture war and I was lucky enough to be able to ask him a few questions, the exchange follows:
Q: I've just interviewed Caesar of Humans First and he's explained his position on Mutants, claiming he accepts them wholeheartedly into his cause. He says his current goal is to have a human representative in the Consortium and beyond that aspires to live in a world where supernatural powers and humans are segregated. Given all of this can I get your personal opinion on Caesar's cause? How should the country see Caesar and his vein of conservative rhetoric?
A: I would certainly support a human representative within the Consortium. Like with the American Revolution, long ago, a group should not be beholden to another group without representation within that group. Although the Consortium started for noble enough reasons, it is high time that those they claim to support have a seat on that council. However, I would not endorse the involvement of Humans First. They are a terrorist organization that has killed many times over as many humans as they have supernaturals. Since the stated goal of the Consortium is protecting humanity, and those who need humanity in order to survive, it runs completely contrary to the aims of Humans First. There are, however, many other options for a human representative, and many human organizations doing great things without resorting to violent tactics.
Q: It is well documented that you yourself are a mutant. Here in Convergence people seem to espouse a certain pride in who they really are and just like before D13 there are safe places where special people can find acceptance. This all in spite of laws prohibiting public displays of non-human qualities. But across the country folks are still finding it difficult to express themselves and find peace, especially when groups like Humans First drive wedges in the middle of what would otherwise be healthy and cohesive communities. What are you yourself doing to help mutants gain acceptance? You've also been an activist, so what can activists around the country be doing to help?
A: In some ways, it is easier for mutants than most other races. Although we have historically had some clashes, with the mages, and with other races, we have no natural enemies save common prejudice. That puts us in a unique position to lead the way when it comes to acceptance of not only our kind, not only other supernatural races, but those who are simply...different; by way of gender identity, ability, race, religion, or other trait or characteristic. I would like to see mutants lead the way in this respect, and become the race that other races look to as a hallmark of acceptance and power through diversity. It is never a good thing when a group like Humans First begins to tell people that they are intrinsically bad for what they can not help being. People should be judged on what they do, not on what they are. I think most people would agree with that. But it becomes much more complicated when that becomes a group of people, with a troubled history. That's when we begin to have stereotypes and we begin to think of people not as individuals, but as groups. For instance, as a group, Humans First is deplorable, they are terrorists who have done great harm to the world. But, I am sure there are many good people within Humans First, who have been hurt, who are looking for a way to express that hurt, who feel powerless and want to find a way to be in control of their lives again. There's nothing wrong with those desires, they are valid. But we must, as mutants, and as activists, provide ways for people to express their hurt constructively, and to give people, especially humans, ways to not just participate in the conversation...but drive the conversation. This is why I am announcing the Department of Human Affairs, which will be in charge of organizing programs targeted specifically to assist and promote humankind, provide council on moving towards a future which reflects the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for all people, not just humans, and which will bring forth the most grievous crimes against humankind for prosecution. I invite all mutants to become allies in this journey, which is our journey as well. We have long had the ability to stand up for those who can not stand for themselves, and I urge mutants to continue on this strong path.
Q: Some months ago it was reported that cyborgs were offered the chance at restoring some of their memories by the Consortium. Is there any involvement by the US government in this operation? Can the US government confirm the veracity of their claims? Is there any chance that subsidies or services will be offered to assist citizens for traveling to and undergoing this treatment?
A: This procedure remains the proprietary creation of the Consortium, and as such, the US Government can not verify the validity of the claims. However, because we do not wish to prevent what could be an incredible boon to those that have had so much taken from them, we have licensed the Consortium to perform these procedures within our borders. Nonetheless, we urge those cyborgs who undergo the treatment to take care in doing so, and to report any anomalies they might experience immediately to local officials. Although, I will say, anecdotally, that two of my bodyguards within the Secret Service have had the procedure. One did recover some memories, though we have not yet been able to verify if those memories are true. The other experienced no change at all.
Q: Recently there has been some news and speculation about the Red Moon that orbits the Earth. Can you comment on what the US government plans to do to investigate the celestial body?
A: We continue to do research at this time, but it is currently believed that this moon was "created" within the last few years. We're not quite sure by whom, or why. None of the current research points to anything malicious, however, and we do not believe the red moon is a threat to anyone at this time.
Q: Recently several prominent residents of Convergence had been found dead. Aaron Robert and Doctor Sarah T'Snae. Can you comment on these two as well as any ongoing investigation into their deaths?
A: I am afraid I am not familiar with this investigation, but I am sorry to the citizens of Convergence for their loss.
Q: Given that you were elected on a platform that many would describe as embodying hope and change, what do you think that says about the country's future? How do you envision the Country, the Consortium, and the world in 5 or 10 years?
A: I think people want to build a new world, but they don't want to go back to the way things were before D13. I think we have a chance here to build a stronger United States, a more vital United States. We must think beyond getting back what we had before, and instead look towards creating what is best for all people of any race. There is so much opportunity here, to learn from these other races, but also to not make the same mistakes we made last time...mistakes which led to the rise of terrorist groups like Humans First and Tomorrow Sky. These groups are the product of OUR actions, and we must jointly take responsibility before we can step forward and create a better world. What we create will not be perfect, but it should at least be done with forethought and care. Currently, I am focusing on re-establishing interstate travel, as well as communications, and I am glad to announce that a land-based network known as TetherNet will be unveiled soon. TetherNet will connect a number of major American cities, and will allow for more rapid transmission of communications cross-country. Not only that, but unlike StarLink, the Consortium's satellite network, it will be available to more than just military and research facilities. I hope to reveal more about TetherNet soon.
"Imperator Caesar"
Several weeks ago a man sat alone in an aging, bungalow on the doorsteps of the Pacific ocean waiting with a box of Cuban cigars propped open and a bottle of rum sitting beside it on the table. The residence had been left in disrepair, its owners having died in the outbreak some years ago and until recently it had been used by transients as shelter from the elements. It sometimes perhaps, being visited by fishermen or traders that had abandoned their boats in the night, searching for cover. At some point the windows in the back had blown open and a cool, salty ocean breeze tore through the house ablating wood paneling and causing the paint on the walls to bubble. Tarps had been recently installed in the building over the bared oak frames and they buffeted wildly as the sun glowered, hovering just above the horizon. It was then and there, in that white-green beach house that the world's most renown terrorist had put his feet up to discuss world politics.
I had barely rapped on the door a moment before it opened and revealed to me the room's single occupant, a prominent and umber man that demanded my immediate focus. I found I could not see over the man's shoulders despite my head nearly brushing the frame of the door on my way into the room after he'd beckoned me forward. I of course found myself compelled toward the interior, especially once his affable voice had greeted me.
"Good afternoon, Mister Reed." Said he. He welcomed me to sit and have a drink with him. He explained in a candid way that he might have chosen to live in a house on the shore just like the one in which we found ourselves had fate not intervened and demanded his services. His name is Caesar, that is C-a-e-s-a-r and it is an appropriate name given the connections it draws to the mythos that surrounds the leader of the world's foremost terrorist organization. Arrogant and perhaps foolhardy, but ambitious and formidable, Caesar is all of these things; a man that perhaps just a decade earlier might have been fighting for a different set of rights because of the color of his skin was now fighting a different sort of culture war.
From the start of the interview I find that I am constantly pinching myself, wondering if I have not traveled back in time to visit the home of someone in white suburbia struggling with integration and finding the powers that be were forcing a different way of life on them, oppressing a segment of the population already floundering under the stress of a dysfunctional economy. “I grew up in a broken country,” he started, “The only way to survive was to be a survivor.”
From a young age Caesar found himself a victim of globalization, and had the outbreak not occurred he might have just as easily found himself in a different kind of revolution with a bomb strapped to his chest and a black banner hanging over his head.
“I saw tragedy, I saw the costs the few could inflict on the many. I saw people who believed they had the right to abuse others do so freely and without consequence. Those are the things that motivate me, not out of a love of those things but of a deep hatred of those things."
It's clear from the intensity in his eyes that he believes the things that he says, that he welcomed me into his home without anyone around him humbles him and it gives his cause just that much more authenticity and his followers that much more resolve.
"I hated the present when I was a child, and the future was even scarier to consider. So I looked to the past, and found my role models there. I looked to the revolutionaries, looked at how they fought the things I wanted to fight."
Caesar is pulling from history, and already I can see him as a fighter in the movements and among the movers that he idolizes and fetishizes.
Damien: "Many see your movement as political in nature. Is that true? Are you following in the footsteps of Castro, Lenin, and Chavaz and attempting to bring about a socialist or communist revolution?" I ask.
"I don't seek to impose communism or fascism. That's not why I fight. You're an American, so I assume you know at least the basics of your history. So America was once a part of the British Empire. And then it all went to pot...and a slogan came out of it. 'No taxation without representation'. That always stuck with me. The Americans were angry they had no say in how they were governed. And that Mister Reed is why I fight. Look at the Consortium we have today. A collection of racial heads and representatives that believe they know what is best for Humankind, and believe they have the right to govern us. To install laws and seize property and territory. But look closely at their council. There is no Human Representative on that council.”
He's correct in this and I'm about to interrupt and ask him just how dumping tea in a harbor is comparable to blowing up schools and hospitals, when he continues.
“It boggled my mind, and I don't understand how it doesn't boggle the minds of more. How dare...how dare these people, these supernaturals, think they have any claim to anything if they don't include us? No taxation without representation. I don't want war Mister Reed. I never have. I've only ever wanted to live in peace, in a quiet spot. To have a wife and children. But someone needs to stand up to these...these oppressors. Because that's what they are. They are a group that is forcing us to follow their will. And those who go against their will, they sent their cyborg death squads after. That is fascism."
It is at this point that part of his mask begins to slip, his facade begins to dry up. His humility dissolves bit by bit and I get to see a part of Caesar that never makes it through the radio broadcasts, it's part of him that is necessarily human. It's the scalper outside of the stadium, the game is starting and tickets are sold out. There's something so clandestine about the smile he gives you when you slip him the bills and you're just waiting for them to come up phony. What Caesar is selling is inviting, because like so many things it is rooted in truth.
"All I want is that which we deserve, that which is fair. I want Humankind to be safe from those supernaturals who threaten us on a daily basis. I want a return of democratic rule to Humanity, and for us to be included as equals and treated as equals. Because the Consortium does not see us as equals."
Does he mean to delegitimize the current president, someone that is not outwardly liked by Caesar's followers for reasons that couldn't be clearer- they feel threatened by change and Caesar is a lightning rod for their insecurities.
Damien: "You're absolutely correct that there is no human representation on the council, which by its definition is meant to protect the race it is excluding. What do you think about the representation of cyborgs, mutants, and mages in the council? Some might say that they represent humanity. Many would say that they are human themselves." I give him some pause to digest it whole, "If the Consortium was to establish a human representative today would that mean the dissolution of Humans First tomorrow?"
"Cyborgs and Mutants,” he begins, “I don't like those words. Because you know what that is? That's the Consortium trying to sow division in our ranks. I consider Mutants and Cyborgs as Humans, Humans who have been altered almost always against their will, out of their control. We have many of them fighting alongside us in Humans First. But the Consortium keeps us separate, it enforces these divisions. Why? Because imagine what could be achieved if organizations like the GMA and Union worked alongside Humans First. Dare I say that together we wouldn't even need the Consortium to retake our world from D13? But this isn't possible, because the Mutant leaders wont side with us because the Consortium has corrupted them. That..that is the problem in so many places, in Convergence especially. The leadership of the supernaturals is ineffective, selfish and corrupt. They are much more interested in keeping those below them, below them and oppressed than actually helping them.”
It is convenient here to again draw on connections between Caesar's attempts at erasure of the subtle boundaries between human and humankind and the same societal influences that years earlier might have driven men and women in the middle of America to say the same things about race relations. In the past the attempt was to eliminate the social constructs that work to build barriers between people with different shades of skin color and with different cultural backgrounds. It is a dangerous idea that obfuscates the underlying causes and sweeps lynching and discrimination under the rug. Asked about the one thing that Caesar is fighting for, the one demand that drew comparisons between him and patriots of old, he seemed to retreat into an obnubilated culture war.
"It would be a very large step towards restoring what has been broken between Humans and Supernaturals, but it would not be the end of our fight. Humans First needs to ensure that the threats supernaturals pose is no longer a threat."
Damien: "Humans First is looked at by most as a terrorist organization. I say this not to be critical of your organization's methods but to highlight the way the public views it. Humans First has been accused of everything from kidnapping to bombing, and in some ways I can see how that might be viewed as ironic since you likely view the Consortium in much the same way. There are some people out there that agree with your world-view but whom disagree with your methods, what you say to them? What motivates a working Joe to give up their job and their life and dedicate themselves to your cause?"
"We are fighting a war Mister Reed, that is something I am in no way trying to deny. And bad things happen during war, people die. We have killed supernaturals, and they kill Humans in return. But we only desire to bring harm to those supernaturals who threaten humans. I mean...many things we've done have been reported by NPB, so I wont try and deny them. We've executed supernaturals. As far as the Consortium or people in Convergence's care...that's the end of it. But it isn't. Yes we've executed supernaturals. But we've executed Vampires who drain the blood of defenseless Humans and force them into servitude. We've executed Shifters who with each moon phase lose control and become murderous beasts slaughtering communities. The people we kill are people who have committed crimes against Humans, people who deserve to die."
He pauses to regain himself, the blood from his vibrant rhetoric dripping from his teeth. "But...this is war. Sometimes people die who were not supposed to die. And this pains me. There is no benefit in killing innocents for Humans First. How could there be? We do not deliberately target innocent civilians, human or supernatural. The Consortium calls us terrorists, but Supernaturals are just as guilty as us in terms of killing innocents, and worse they deliberately target innocents for their wickedness."
"Because they see themselves as above us! That we are below them and defenseless! That they had the right to use us as they see fit! And that, that is why Humans First exists. The Consortium allows these abuses, defends their supernaturals. But we exist to defend Humans, because no-one else will, no matter how much the Consortium likes to believe they are Humanity's saviors. To those people who believe in our cause, but not our methods...I say this. People will tell you that we are the criminals, the terrorists. But the supernaturals are just as guilty as us, and they are much worse. Let me ask you something Mister Reed. Have you ever once seen a surviving settlement cheer and celebrate as supernaturals enter their town?"
"Because I haven't, but I've been there when people thank God that Humans First are marching in having liberated them from their oppressors. Because they know we care, and the Consortium doesn't. The Consortium has the power it has because people don't think it can be defeated, or they don't see another path without it. But Rome fell, the Ottomans fell, the British fell. It is possible, we can have our world back, it is in reach you need only reach out and take it."
It is in this line that Caesar finally draws from the power of his name and paints an image of his future empire, a land in which humans live, freestanding of alien influences that threaten its neat integrity. It's time to get to the heart of the matter- can this dream stand shoulder-to-shoulder peaceably with the same creatures that defile it in the present?
Damien: "Certainly not every supernatural conspires with the Consortium and wishes to bring harm to humanity? What about those that would agree with you that humans need representation within the Consortium and want to live among you in peace? Is peaceful coexistence attainable?"
"You are a pragmatist Mister Reed. You are a man who when D13 came used the loss of life for your own profit in real estate. You saw an opportunity, and you took it. So what do you do when you encounter a mad dog?"
"When that dog bites your child what do you do? Do you attempt to reason with it? Do you attempt to rehabilitate it? No, you kill it." "The mad dog or the wolf is doing what its nature demands. There is even an insect which essentially only exists to burrow into the ears of children and eat out their eyes from inside, blinding them alongside horrific pain. But that is the nature of that insect, that is what it does. And the same is true for the Vampires or Shifters. It is their nature to do what they do, but like the mad dog, or the wolf, or the insect, you simply kill it before it can do the harm you know it will do. You don't kill it out of a hatred for it, but out of a desire to protect the ones you love."
"But when it comes to the standard supernatural. Your Fae Be, your Underkin Drow, Your Mutant, even reasonable Vampires. I can say that co-existence is possible! Do you have any idea the amount of times I have tried to reach agreements with the leaders on your island of Convergence Mister Reed? Countless times. Their leaders are failing their people. I have offered the olive branch, but they insist on sending their people to die in fights against us. And...for what? For what Mister Reed? For their own interests, that is what. Because it isn't the interests of their people is it? It can't be. If they truly cared about protecting those under them, the leaders in Convergence would open dialog with Humans First and actually work with us. Co-existence is possible."
Damien: "What would you want from the leaders of Convergence? What could they give you and what could you offer in return? Many of them will read this paper and they will see you as a violent, unpredictable villain with inconsistent beliefs- that you want Humans to peacefully coexist with supernaturals but that you also describe supernatural beings as dogs that need to be put down. Be pragmatic with me now. What concrete thing could you offer them that they might want and what would you want in return? Take membership in the Consortium off the table for the moment."
"What can I offer Convergence? Idealistically, the chance to do the right thing. Pragmatically, peace. Because I want something to be clear Mister reed, as much as I do genuinely want to end the wars, Humans First does have the capabilities to fight them. I've spoken at length with my Generals about Convergence, and we have the battleplans, and we have the resources to take Convergence. Humans First could take Convergence. But right now the plans aren't good enough for me. The casualty predictions on both sides are too high, the destruction too extensive, the battle too long. If I am forced to take Convergence, I want it to be with the least damage on both sides as possible. But don't think I wont turn it into a ruin if I have to. If that's what it takes for the people to see their leaders for what they really are. And for those who doubt I have the means to take Convergence, I would like to remind them about the weapons test we conducted some months ago, the Blue Flash Device I believe people have dubbed it. That weapon has advanced since then. And with each slice of territory we liberate, we have more resources to use. We have the men, we have the supplies and the resources."
"But there's another reason I'm not. Because, and people hate to admit this of Humans First, but we're fighting alongside you. The majority of Humans First resources is currently invested in both fighting the Dark on the offensive, and defending Human settlements on the defensive. We are doing exactly what we promised, defending Humans against a supernatural threat. But let's return to Convergence."
"What I want from the leaders of Convergence is simple, it's what I've always wanted. I want the installation of Human led Democracy on the island. I want assurances that those hostile races on the island will take measures to not be hostile anymore. So things like Vampires only using volunteer blood, Shifters being locked up on the moons. Slavery abolished. I want their co-operation in improving the lives of Humans on the island. I want their co-operation in fighting our mutual enemies like the Dark, D13 and the Grey Crusade. What is it I ask for which is so unreasonable?"
No, it is not simple. It is because of these very reasonable requests that Caesar holds a measure of control over the moderates of the world. These are all very uncharacteristically Humans First measures that any decent human being might stand for. It doesn't mean those that oppose Humans First must also oppose these measures, but it does call for a calm and careful consideration of his cause.
Damien: "Let me thank you for this interview. I think people will better appreciate your motivations and the motivations of those that choose to follow you. It is normal for an organization like yours to be simply labeled as a terrorist organization and for its members to be seen as anonymous and expendable. That's why the last question I have for you is what would you say to the Humans First member that's on the front lines, that perhaps has left their home and family and is struggling every day to fight for your cause?"
"It is my pleasure to meet with you today Mister Reed. It is my hope that people will see through the lies that have been spread about us and see the truth to myself and Humans First, a truth worth rallying behind."
"To that Humans First member on the front line, wherever they may be in the world, I say this: Don't lose hope. We are winning the war. We gain more territory and supporters across society every day. We are received by cheering crowds who weep with joy. And know this, I am no Consortium Representative sat at their table in peaceful Geneva. You people know me. I fight on the front lines with you. I fight beside you, bleed beside you, mourn with you, succeed with you, and will die for you if that is my fate. They call me Caesar, but you are all Caesar. I am nothing without you all, and our successes are yours as much as mine."
It might have been an inspiring speech had he said it to me first walking into that room to see him burgeoning in name and infamy but also simmering with charm and commiseration. But there were too many loose ends. Was he a freedom fighter dumping tea into the Hudson or a terrorist and supremacist? Did he want to erase lines between humans, mutants and cyborgs? Or were mutants and cyborgs just supernatural minions of a fascist global conspiracy? Was he making reasonable demands with the intimation that he would step aside when his fight was over? Or was this a zealot giving the world his last rites? He added only one more clarification, "I would add only one thing, both to Humans and to Supernaturals. The Supernaturals may have the upper hand at the moment, but they are the few, and we are the many.” It is the multitude of us which will be affected by this man's decisions and our handling of this challenge about how to live in this strange new world over the coming years and decades.
In the park two lovers hold hands and look out at the horizon waiting for a cimmerian disk to emerge from the clouds and envelop their city. The brilliant incandescence of the setting sun paints their features with bright rays of red and gold. They each turn to meet the other's gaze but before they can draw a breath the Dark has arrived and the light in each pair of eyes has been extinguished.
This is the nightmare that consumes each and every living soul. They fear this alien and irreverent beast that consumes cities whole and now infects the fabric of our society, injecting into it an unshakable fear. For some it is the next stage of the virus that devastated this world, the next part of some celestial effort to eliminate life as we know it.
The human psyche fears what it does not understand and it would be an understatement to say that little is known about this presence that hovers in flight over Tokyo and Taiwan. No connections can be drawn between it and the Dark's appearance over the Philippines or the ghostly attack on Pearl Harbor. But for some the Dark is their very own Eigengrau- they are seeing something where there is nothing.
Suspicions about President Johnson becoming infected with the Dark through the wound he sustained are abound and there are no shortage of conspiracy theories about Japanese ships being transported through alternate realities to our present-day Pearl Harbor. However it is important that we in the media do all we can to dispel these sort of myths:
* While it is true that the Pearl Harbor attack in 1941 did last exactly two hours and the attack this year also lasted two hours, there haven't been any credible reports that have identified the ships as Japanese in origin.
* It is also true that President Johnson sustained a curious injury during an attempt on his life, and while there is evidence that the attack was in some way related to the appearance of the Dark there is no evidence to suggest that the injury has corrupted the President in any way.
* Some have even speculated further that the recent VecraTek recall is conspiring with the Consortium to reprogram units to kidnap unwilling victims to perform tests on them so that the Dark's affect on human physiology can be studied.
For the truth however we will need to wait. No amount of speculation in the world will unmask the depravity that hangs above heads.
Until then go out into the park and hold hands with your significant other. Enjoy the fresh spring air and the colorful bloom. Go to your local coffee shop and order one extra Dark and pray for your fellow man.
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