Strange days and stranger nights. Convergence is our home, be it some sort of determined love, or something more akin to Stockholm, we love our brutal city. Much has happened, though not with the typical flair as most months. This one was a battle of mental attrition. Nightmares, strange callings, strange symbols, and penguins, all staking their claim in our collective psyche over the passed weeks.
Dreams are something we attribute to a mental adventure as we rest and recover over the night. For some, there is little recovery, but hellish visions, while others enjoy something more calm, only to be forgotten upon waking.
Even more pronounced are the dreams of a select few. Those who are no stranger to night terrors have discovered themselves trapped in a mire of night-time fear. Objects move, shift, and tremble of their own accord; always in the periphery, and never before one's eyes. But even deeper these instill fear, as now, some are finding mysterious marks, bruises, and bodily injury. Something stirs in the minds of the dreamers. Recent nights had found the nightmares of a few quelled, but others endure even more.
It seems there is no relief in sight for these afflicted few. Perhaps it is the lack of sleep, or an inherent paranoia, but some have spoken of shadows, again, almost out of view, a spark of black that flits away as one's eyes come close. Stare at the side of an object to see it, one would think, but this is more somehow aware.
Static energy, dead air, something was there, or was it? The answers are scant.
Others have different dreams, all together.
Months ago, Convergence lost its beloved Mister Smith. Many had worried that he was poorly, and with a heavy, collective heart, we bid our esteemed father-figure a fare well parting. But some, in the night, claim to have heard from the dearly departed.
A group of people have come together under the name 'Citizens Watch.' The members of this mushrooming organization report having been directed by Mister Smith in their dreams. The Citizens Watch seek to form a neighborhood safety, anti-crime, beautification, and social outreach program to better benefit the greater Convergence area. Curious eyes look to them, but for as pleasing as their intentions may be, their method of selection is rather dubious.
What do the dreams of Convergence hold in the future? And what of the dreamers themselves? Only Time will tell.
Reporter: Alexi Alkaev
During this Convergence Chronicle, we're trying something a little different. In order to give everyone ease of access to the paper, please see below the pages that were updated this month (April) with new content!