Sunday, July 31, 2016

Bombs Bursting in Air


Events of months ago circulated through the collective mind of Convergence. A strange comet appeared high in the sky once again, serving as a haunting reminder to those who recall the events of last year. This, however, seemed to pose more of a stage for events, rather than an event, itself. 

An explosion echoed across the city, originating somewhere in the deep outskirts. A windmill, one of the many silent observers of this city, blew asunder, bringing with it whispered rumors that a human had attempted to go inside to disarm an explosive device. An ill omen for many, as it brought nervous questions about the other standing windmills that dot the landscape of our city. Could they too, be rigged with explosives?  This served as the primary question that hung about the citizens of the city. 

As with all strange happenings in our home, this drew the attention of several of the most brave and intrepid minds of Convergence, gathering primarily about a strange, Aztec-like structure in the park. The park always seems to draw unusual events with its perpetual haze and odd lighting, so the queer comet appearance and explosion surely denoted something afoot. 

As they all stood vigil over the structure, a lovely pale woman illuminated a lantern that bathed the area in a mystical light, realizing that which had long gone unseen. Creatures clad in suits with disconcerting, featureless masks appeared.  Their unnatural birth made all the more apparent by the tentacle eye stocks that protruded in an array from their backs. These creatures, coined "Friendlies," encompassed the park for their battle grounds. During the fray, ten of the "Friendlies" broke off from the main group making their target the nearby windmill. 

The battle was split between the two locations; one about the Aztec structure, and one at the foot of the great windmill.  Many Friendlies fell in the battle, both near the park, and about the windmill.  

During the battle, the Aztec structure opened up and the Friendly, Mr. Crumbles pulled a child from inside. Voices could be heard, those of children, from underneath the statue. He had threatened the child he held, should Convergence champions fight back. A red haired man attempted to attack Mr. Crumbles, while others sought to disarm a bomb. Mr. Crumble exploded, endangering the lives of the captive children nearby but miraculously, none of the children were harmed, as if protected by something unseen. 

It has been revealed that the Citizens Watch served as a front for the Friendlies, and their Junior Division was nothing more than an attempt to hold children, but for what reason, is still unknown. 

Many questions still loom over the city. Who were the Friendlies, what was their goal? Why did they hold children? Why did they begin a smear campaign against Smith and ADA? And why did they seek to fell the windmills? 

Later investigations of the place the children were held captive revealed a storeroom of sorts.  The children had access to only barrels of dried rice, dried pinto beans, some pots and pans, a few sleeping bags and a makeshift toilet and sink. Deeper inside, beyond a locked door, led to the underground, and the near endless labyrinthine catacombs of Convergence, where one might easily become lost forever without a proper guide. 

Reporter: Alexi Alkaev 

For ease of navigating the Convergence Chronicle, please click the links below to see which pages have been updated for the month of July.  Be sure to read this month's 'Conspiracy Theories' page for a chance to get in on a sim-wide event!

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