Monday, February 27, 2017

Only Die When It Is Your Time



Hana wa sakuragi
Hito wa bushi

"[In] Flowers it's Cherry Blossoms, [In] Men it's Warriors."

This is the suggestion that of all flowers, sakura is the best; in men, it is the warrior. Warrior, so written, is samurai, but there is a hidden, implied meaning. Often times, sakura is a representation of the samurai, largely implicit. So, how did this come to be?

There are two sources, among many, that suggest how this connection came about. 

The first was an old legend. An aged samurai had long outlived his family. He had buried the loves of his life, and all that remained for him was a single sakura tree. He looked upon it, and over time, it too died. 

Bereft of all of his loves and reasons, he stepped out into the winter snow and begged the Gods to grant him one last wish. If this tree were to bloom again, he would give his life. Then, the Gods looked down upon the fatigued warrior and granted his wish. The tree breathed again and it's branches became heavy with virginal, white blooms. 

True to his word and his commitment, he placed a blade into his stomach and ended himself with great honor and respect. His blood soaked the snow, soaked into the earth, and nourished the roots of his beloved tree. As the tree thrived, the bloom, once white, became pink with the blood of his sacrifice. To this day, all sakura honor the samurai in reflecting his blood as that of their own. 

This connection continues anew, as the samurai is again linked to the the cherry blossom. As in the story, a samurai only falls when it is ended, as does the bloom. Sakura, and samurai, are beautiful, striking entities, that are fleeting. When it is their time, they will fall, as is their honor, with nary a protest.

In other words, the sakura blossom does not set free from the tree until it is ready - ready to die.  So too does a samurai not leave this world, until true and ready of honor and spirit to lay down and die.

This month of February the Convergence Chronicle decided to do something a bit different.  As we look out and see fire, ash, sorrow and fatigue, may you also see beauty, splendor, honor, and the pink of the great sakura.

 "[In] Flowers it's Cherry Blossoms, [In] Men it's Warriors."

Those that are left in Convergence are the very best, the chosen few who have made it through life, death, and the pursuit of a world that while dying, has yet to fall from the tree.  We at the Convergence Chronicle encourage each and every one of you; only die when it is your time, and from the sakura blossom to the samurai, when it is your time: die with honor.

Reporter: Alexi Alkaev-Kurosawa

For ease in navigating the Convergence Chronicle, please click the links below to see which pages have been updated for the month of February.  Be Sure to read this month's 'Conspiracy Theories' page to see an 'update?' to the sim-wide event involving DJ Slicer.  The Convergence Chronicle also has a new reporter, Candi, and her page can be found under 'Candi's Around Town.'

Happy Corner
Sleepless in Convergence
Conspiracy Theories
Candi's Around Town

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Enter The Black; Cover In Light


Chest Bursters, Face Huggers, and Alien Queens; these things are typically relegated to the chapters of a Science Fiction novel, but at least one of them has entered our world.  Though not as expected, if one could say it was expected at all. 

What came to us was something greatly akin to the "Grim." They were great, malevolent black dogs that ripped through the chests of solitary dreamers, killing them, and one only need to see the dogs to plant the seed. These creatures, agents of the Dark, traversed the conduits of dreams to force their way into this realm, using a sacrificial body as a portal. More and more, this moved from a thing that happened in rumor, to actual people we knew being taken. 

It has been suggested that this was simply another, though gruesome, form of a breach to circumvent our dome and enter the city. It seemed that there was no way to combat this without risking exposure and 'contamination.'

As ever, Convergence stepped forward. The city responded, in droves, to the baleful call of the Grim. From the park, they emerged and set upon the windmill. From the alleyways they emerged, moving toward the tailoring shop. The seeped up, infecting our streets. Combat assured, and the answer came in the form of weapons of pure Light.

Every citizen had the perfect weapon, and they displayed this with confidence. The beasts were felled, but it was then that their true nature came to be. Dark tainted flesh, that of their victims was the medium they were comprised. From the fallen, blacked flesh, spirits emerged. Once twisted in agony, now freed, light, and flowing from their Dark prisons. It was those taken, used by the Dark to penetrate the protections of this city. 

The day was won. There were wounds, burns, and pains, but those who had been enduring the very worst finally knew their absolution.  Take a moment this day to appreciate those around you, and those no longer with us. Take a moment to feel pride in another, for it is at their sides we know another day's light.

Reporter: Alexi Alkaev

For ease of navigating the Convergence Chronicle, please click the links below to see which pages have been updated for the month of January.  Be sure to read this month's 'Conspiracy Theories' page to see an 'update?' to the sim-wide event involving DJ Slicer.