Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Weather Outside is Frightful

HEADLINE: The Weather Outside is Frightful

The news is simple. It is cold. It is insanely cold, so much so, that some have questioned if this has been prompted by something external. Some even whisper that it is the work of the Dark. Perhaps the Dark Gale was the true harbinger of this horrible weather pattern. Many denizens of the outside forest now seek shelter inside the city walls, due to the cold, ice and snow. 

There is some relief to be had here, as it seems our loved city is seeking to render as much aid as possible. It is rumored that the light poles, located about the city, give off heat to those who stand under them. If you are traveling for any length of time these days and nights, be sure to utilize them well, even if bundled. 

For this brutal times of year, we would like to make everyone aware of the available assistance throughout the city. 

There is a helpful guide of places about Convergence to seek aid in our Sleepless in Convergence column. As well as these 10 cold weather tips below. Stay safe, Convergence. 

If you are on foot, build a shelter or find one nearest to you. Hollowed-out logs can be cleaned and used, and caves can serve as good shelter. 

Though it's tempting to wrap your clothing tight in extreme cold, wear loose clothing in layers to avoid restricted blood circulation. Tight clothing reduces the amount of trapped air, which acts as insulation. 

If you have no water available, melt snow to drink. One option is to use your body heat from activity to melt the snow. Put some snow in a sealable container and put it in between your layers of clothing, close to your body. Though it takes a lot of snow to produce a decent amount of drinking water (the ratio is about 10:1), the water will help you survive.

Speaking of water, the more hydrated you are, the warmer you will be. If you have a fire, here's another way to melt the snow: build a water generator out of three sturdy sticks, some binding, and a plastic bag, sock or shirt into which the snow goes. With the lit fire next to the generator, the snow will gradually melt.

Both for warmth and as a signal, light a fire using pencil-thick branches and evergreen limbs; maintain it using larger branches.

Trench foot happens after hours or days of exposure to wet or damp conditions. With symptoms like the sensation of pins and needles, numbness and pain, the skin starts appearing wet, white and shriveled. This can be prevented by keeping your feet dry. Try lining your shoes with plastic. If trench foot has affected your feet, get your feet as warm and dry as possible to prevent any further swelling and numbness. 

Keep the core of your body warm, using every useful object around including rags, cardboard and paper, to insulate your body.

To survive the extreme cold conditions, it is important to protect your extremities from frostbite using gloves, warm socks and boots or whatever is handy. 

Do not touch frozen metal with bare hands as it can peel your skin away. 

Use any heat source around you, like a light bulb or flashlight, to help keep yourself warm.

((Taken from ))

Stay dry, stay warm, and a Happy New Year to you all!

Reporter: Alexi Alkaev

For ease of navigating the Convergence Chronicle, please click the links below to see which pages have been updated for the month of December.  Be sure to read this month's 'Conspiracy Theories' page to see an 'update?' to the sim-wide event involving DJ Slicer.  Also, check out 'The Man with the Van' and 'Sugar Cubed' for not one, but two interviews from Convergence Citizens this month!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

A Light in the Dark


Rumor is a powerful thing. It can get people to move, act, and stand together in times they may not normally. Dreams are equally powerful. In this case, I do not speak of the dreams that come in the night, but of ideas, hopes, and intentions. 

First, a small story. 

There are some things that merely bring a person to smile. Those are what should be cherished most. Do what you need to smile, but do not do what would cause another to lose theirs. This is a simple rule. 

Yesterday, on November 29th, I had reason to smile. From my perspective, napping in my room, I had begun to float! What fortune had fallen upon me? At first I clamped onto the light fixture for dear life, because, in the seconds after rousing, what else would one do? Then, I was there, upon the ceiling of my sanctuary, experiencing bliss. 

Surely, the world was now upside down and I was regretting all of my jokes about those from Australia falling because they were upside down. We all know how the planet works, but explain that to one who is running around on his ceiling, having a great time. It didn't matter. This was a dream! Everything about me floated so delicately, it was like nothing I had ever experienced before. 

The ground rumbled and bright, near blinding light shown through the city. To my shock it was the Dome. Normally, that did not bode well, as the Dome is our primary protection from the harsh, outdoor world. Only those who have struck an accord with the outside dare venture out for long. But disaster did not come. 

No, not at all. 

After some time, the gravity returned. Thinking it was simply another odd day in our city, I moved on with my day. That is, until my partner joined me. News he gave to me brought tears to my eyes. At long last, in his hand, he held the Light of our salvation. I asked him how he had found such a miraculous gift, that is after sobbing upon him for quite some time.

To me, he explained in detail what I had missed, while happily dancing upon my ceiling. 

When the light flashed; the windmills, long known portals of elsewhere, stopped all across the city. Eventually, the door to the central windmill opened and out popped a little frozen pod that looked rather like a gum ball. There was discussion of what to do with it. Perhaps have a friendly bird hatch it? Oddly, there were no volunteers.  

After about a quarter hour, gravity returned to normal, the ground stopped shaking and the lights returned to their standard luminescence. But, there was something or rather, someone who had emerged. 

It was from the pod that had fallen out, that a man named Zig came into view. He was a rather ordinary looking man, yawning and asking for coffee. It was those who were near that were gifted so greatly by the strange, but tired, man.  To them, he offered the gift of Light. It seemed that there were far fewer people than he has assumed would be surviving, but the Light must continue. 

Please, seek out those who were at the windmill, learn the gift of magic from them. Everyone, even if you think you cannot, try, DREAM! Understand the Light for it will be our single, greatest weapon. 

Dare to dream, Convergence.

Reporter:  Alexi Alkaev

For ease of navigating the Convergence Chronicle, please click the links below to see which pages have been updated for the month of November.  Be sure to read this month's 'Conspiracy Theories' page to see an 'update?' to the sim-wide event involving DJ Slicer.  Also, check out 'Convergence Renovations' for pictures and information about some of the new places in the sim rebuild.

Happy Corner
Sleepless in Convergence
Conspiracy Theories
Convergence Renovations

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Dark Changes


This month has been one of great change. Change is not always unwelcome, but the entry is almost always difficult to endure. Something called the 'Dark Gale' moved in from the North.  The entire forest surrounding the city was enveloped in a black miasma. All citizens were warned well in advanced to flee to the city as the Gale swept over, plunging us into darkness.  As if enclosing our bodies within the heart of a beast. 

Despite what one would assume with such a population boom inside the walls, there were few incidents, save a few scuffles. In times of trials, as always, the Citizens of this island join together in something akin to harmony. That tumultuous friendship came through again as the dome flickered with the external batterings of the Dark Gale.  The threat was quite real and caused several to seek shelter, some going so far as to fall to the underground. Wards were erected and after several hours, the systems that support or wonderful dome were back online and once again functioning against the onslaught. 

In it's wake, the outside has changed dramatically. It is unknown if this cloud of darkness picked things up along the way and deposited them here, or if perhaps pockets into other places opened, causing things to fall into our world. It should always be stressed to exercise caution when exploring new areas, especially in the forest. 

In reply to the events, our Lady Ada is aggressively restructuring. The reasoning, again, is unknown, but do be careful when wandering the city as well. Expect to be lost and potentially have to get transportation assistance, as the laundry mat with tomorrow's clothing is somehow across town. Perhaps procrastination is not the best thing for the next few months. 

Little is known about the Dark Gale, but there are whispers that it may function like the dark malaise that surrounds Tokyo. While not exactly the same, this gale is one of the most caustic substances known. It causes organic and inorganic material to melt upon coming too close. It should be stated that in the Dark Dome of Tokyo, insectoid creatures have been seen within, and only some people, if they could be called that, were able to pass though, unscathed. Be careful, be cautious, and always be vigilant. 

Our surroundings may have changed, but our hearts remain set upon weathering any storm.

Reporter: Alexi Alkaev

For ease of navigating the convergence Chronicle, please click the links below to see which pages have been updated for the month of October.  Be sure to read this month's 'Conspiracy Theories' page to see the 'conclusion?' of the sim-wide event involving DJ Slicer!

Happy Corner
Sleepless in Convergence
Conspiracy Theories

Friday, September 30, 2016

Unstoppable Force

HEADLINE: Unstoppable Force Meets Immovable Object

On September 9th around noon a call for aid rang through the airwaves, hoping that someone would intercept the message in a bottle. While it was far more advanced, the principal was the same, and just as the bottle eventually finds a shore, so did the plea. 

The voice of  Colonel Bartholomew Taylor of the US Army 75th Rangers Regiment was heard by Convergence Citizens loud and clear. Like a herald, the transmission set the brave of Convergence in motion. They filed into helicopters and took flight to the US military facility code-named 'Vanguard.' 

Little was known of this facility, and little was offered to assuage curious minds. The only information was entirely need-to-know, and all the defenders from Convergence needed to know was that Vanguard was under impending attack "by a <redacted> D13 horde!" This mass of arguable life worked its way through Oregon, rending and adding to its ranks like a plague of locusts.

Vanguard was too woefully understaffed and under-stocked to defeat the incoming force. Convergence was spoken of as the only place the  army could get reinforcements from in time. Due to the proximity of the writhing mass, and Convergence to the facility, our home was the first, and last option for aid. As such, Colonel Taylor christened everyone as part of 'Operation Vanguard.' 

With a quick command and an offer of a sure reward for our home, the intrepid set foot and then took to the skies.  All piled into the choppers filled with hope, but the omens were numerous as dangerous, tumultuous skies crashed with heavy storms. Due to heavy turbulence and poor visibility, only the pilots who truly knew where the target location resided could make out the flight path. It is suggested that some of the robots who attended still functioned within normal perimeters, giving the notion that perhaps the Vanguard does not rest far from Convergence's shores. 

There were two calls for help on this day with the original coming from the Colonel and a second made from a much younger sounding and calmer young man.  What happened to Colonel Taylor is unknown, but the second defensive maneuver took place some five hours after the first.  The Convergence Chronicle received eye-witness accounts of the second series of happenings during Operation Vanguard.

Almost immediately, the untoward events unfolded. "I witnessed one of the helicopters go down in a fiery blaze before we landed as we were literally peppered in dead bodies from above.  It almost seemed like something or someone was throwing infected at us," reports Kurosawa Ruukah, one of the many fighters in attendance. 

With little recourse, those trying to aid Vanguard were forced to jump to the roof below. A dangerous start, to be sure. "Myself and some others jumped from the helicopter and landed on the roof of a government facility where we were led to a mess hall.  We were instructed to 'hold the line' while other groups were repairing tunnels," says Ruukah. 

Support began immediately with the mentioned repairs, while others prepared their weapons for defense. 

During the fight, CLOVER, a robot unit, informed those at her side that the infected were organizing fighting efforts against the defenders. They appeared to be working like a hive-mind of bees, enacting orders from a higher, more assertive force. It was then that Miss CLOVER instructed that the highest priority targets were three 'queens.'  

Combat ensued with bloody results.  The brave fighters of Convergence were able to fell two of the target 'queens' before radio instructions ordered everyone to take cover for incoming air-strike. There came a strange noise that seemed to disorient the infected, and most, if not all, were killed in the ensuing air-strike. 

Even with such dangerous skies,  injuries were negligible. Those that were injured were tended to promptly, and an hour later the army ushered our citizens home via submarine. 

Soon, Vanguard will offer their boon to the city in thanks. More importantly than that, we at Convergence gained an ally in this dreadful war.  Be the battle infected or something more sinister, we hope that should we need assistance the way that Vanguard did, brave souls left in the world will come together to do what must be done.

Reporter: Alexi Alkaev

For ease of navigating the Convergence Chronicle, please click the links below to see which pages have been updated for the month of September.  Be sure to read this month's 'Conspiracy Theories' page for a chance to get in on a sim-wide event!  The Convergence Chronicle is soon to host a Candlelight Vigil where a mysterious 'thing' shall occur.

Happy Corner
Sleepless in Convergence
Conspiracy Theories
A Very Artistic Interview

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Red


There are months where it seems everything falls against us at one time. There are other months where is seems all is in a silent calm. It is those months of ease that bring some of the more delicate aspects of Convergence to the fore. This month, a group of intrepid adventurers delved deep into the underground catacombs of the city.

Convergence is a very old city and this is reflected in no place better than the underground catacombs that branch like an ant hive below our feet. Due to disaster after disaster, history is covered over by charred remains. It is here, that the story of the Ancient Silk District unfolds.

Many years ago, there was a friend, a lover, and a courtesan, the Red Courtesan.  She was friends with the King of Silks, a kind man, rightful heir of the Silk District and all of its holdings. He was friends with the leader of the Makoto and samurai, the one known as the Taicho.  The three of them, the Taicho, the King of Silks and the Red Courtesan formed a trio of the most beloved people within the Silk District. 

All three were friends, but the Taicho and the Courtesan were more than friends, they were passionate lovers. Though he was wed to another, they laid together and enjoyed love in one another. Secretly, their coupling was not without its result. From the union a child was born. That child, Itsumi, was never introduced to her father, and it is there, with Itsumi, that our story begins. 

She was a gentle, but strong woman in her years and devoted to those who shared her life. Itsumi was a bold woman, and upon hearing that some of the employees of the Silk District had gone missing, she stole out to find them. While she was successful, she also paid a heavy price. Upon returning home, Itsumi fell ill with something that the Paladins of the White Cross could not alleviate.  

This sickness brought with it a violence so great that she struck out at the ones she loved. The lady and mother known as the Courtesan sought out someone who could help her daughter. To keep Itsumi safe, her mother faked her death so that the Taicho would believe her dead, as the father unknown, performed his duty to protect all from the violence of the Dark.

It is a sad tale, but one that brings a strange Light to us all. Love is a strong force, one that could make us do what we never thought we could. Sacrifices are made, and endured, but the strength of those few who accept the terms granted for the greater good hold our world in their hands. Lady Itsumi, Red Courtesan, and the Taicho, Convergence, as a whole, is in your dept.

The bodies of the King of Silks, the Taicho, the Red Courtesan and her beautiful and kind daughter Itsumi who personally fought the Dark so many years ago have been exhumed.  They all are being honored in the traditions of the Silk and will be placed in urns together so that they and their sacrifices can be remembered properly.  As we go forward to fight the Dark, let us all remember the ones who came before us and know that we shall stay strong and prevail.

Reporter: Alexi Alkaev

For ease of navigating the Convergence Chronicle, please click the links below to see which pages have been updated for the month of August.  Be sure to read this month's 'Conspiracy Theories' page for a chance to get in on a sim-wide event!

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Bombs Bursting in Air


Events of months ago circulated through the collective mind of Convergence. A strange comet appeared high in the sky once again, serving as a haunting reminder to those who recall the events of last year. This, however, seemed to pose more of a stage for events, rather than an event, itself. 

An explosion echoed across the city, originating somewhere in the deep outskirts. A windmill, one of the many silent observers of this city, blew asunder, bringing with it whispered rumors that a human had attempted to go inside to disarm an explosive device. An ill omen for many, as it brought nervous questions about the other standing windmills that dot the landscape of our city. Could they too, be rigged with explosives?  This served as the primary question that hung about the citizens of the city. 

As with all strange happenings in our home, this drew the attention of several of the most brave and intrepid minds of Convergence, gathering primarily about a strange, Aztec-like structure in the park. The park always seems to draw unusual events with its perpetual haze and odd lighting, so the queer comet appearance and explosion surely denoted something afoot. 

As they all stood vigil over the structure, a lovely pale woman illuminated a lantern that bathed the area in a mystical light, realizing that which had long gone unseen. Creatures clad in suits with disconcerting, featureless masks appeared.  Their unnatural birth made all the more apparent by the tentacle eye stocks that protruded in an array from their backs. These creatures, coined "Friendlies," encompassed the park for their battle grounds. During the fray, ten of the "Friendlies" broke off from the main group making their target the nearby windmill. 

The battle was split between the two locations; one about the Aztec structure, and one at the foot of the great windmill.  Many Friendlies fell in the battle, both near the park, and about the windmill.  

During the battle, the Aztec structure opened up and the Friendly, Mr. Crumbles pulled a child from inside. Voices could be heard, those of children, from underneath the statue. He had threatened the child he held, should Convergence champions fight back. A red haired man attempted to attack Mr. Crumbles, while others sought to disarm a bomb. Mr. Crumble exploded, endangering the lives of the captive children nearby but miraculously, none of the children were harmed, as if protected by something unseen. 

It has been revealed that the Citizens Watch served as a front for the Friendlies, and their Junior Division was nothing more than an attempt to hold children, but for what reason, is still unknown. 

Many questions still loom over the city. Who were the Friendlies, what was their goal? Why did they hold children? Why did they begin a smear campaign against Smith and ADA? And why did they seek to fell the windmills? 

Later investigations of the place the children were held captive revealed a storeroom of sorts.  The children had access to only barrels of dried rice, dried pinto beans, some pots and pans, a few sleeping bags and a makeshift toilet and sink. Deeper inside, beyond a locked door, led to the underground, and the near endless labyrinthine catacombs of Convergence, where one might easily become lost forever without a proper guide. 

Reporter: Alexi Alkaev 

For ease of navigating the Convergence Chronicle, please click the links below to see which pages have been updated for the month of July.  Be sure to read this month's 'Conspiracy Theories' page for a chance to get in on a sim-wide event!

Thursday, June 30, 2016

When You're Strange

HEADLINE!:  When You're Strange

The city of Convergence in no stranger to the unusual. We are a proud melting pot of the mundane and other, and we come together each day to both lament, and celebrate the oddity that is so uniquely us. Dark days loom over head, and the summer heat presses down upon us. 

There has been a calm in recent weeks.   Perhaps we can use this as a welcome opportunity to appreciate all the smaller, finer details of our home. 

Strange Weather:
The aforementioned heat increases with each day with triple digits looming like an unwelcome guest.  There was some respite, however, as one evening, the city bloomed with twelve shafts of light, and a calm cool fell over the city. It was a far cry from the snow and wain of weeks previous, but a gift the city itself, welcomed.

Witnesses report that twelve beams of light shot up at twelve points around the city and began to bend and shape toward one another.  Soon the lights weaved together like a tapestry and then the dome itself glowed a vibrant white.  This only lasted for a few moments, but in its wake we were left with a good twenty degrees cooler temperatures for a full two hours.

Statues Gone Wild:
Another curious tidbit of information is regarding wandering statues. In the evening, when gazed upon by no eyes, the statue before the Nexus vanished.  

The great, oddly melted horse is considered to be a vestige of a Silk District fire long passed. There has been no word from those of the Silk District of any Will to reproduce another work of art as a replacement. 

There is, as of yet, no information circulating regarding the whereabouts of the artwork.  Those who may know any information, or participated in the spiriting away of the horse, are strongly urged to contact the Convergence Chronicle with factoids. We here at the Chronicle are very curious people. 

As an unofficial statement, any who may see the statue are urged to not blink.

An additional statue has been reported as doing unusual things. This one, however, is actually present, though the Chronicle does not precisely have information as to where. Little is known about this work of art, but from one source, the statue is reported to venerate a saint, bleeds and has healing properties. There have been many suggestions as to how this may have occurred; anything as wild as some strange magic, to the more mundane use of basic chemistry and a sort of mass placebo effect. 

Either way, Convergence welcomes its newest cult!

Temporary Information:
Some citizens have arrived offering information of fliers that speak very foreboding information regarding our beloved Smith and Ada. Upon touch, these fliers seem to crumble into nothing. As this has occurred with each and every flier, it is advised that someone with the means to take a picture of these fliers do thus for analysis before making contact. 

These are strange and Dark times, indeed, Citizens of Convergence, but we are no strangers to the weird and such things shall not deter us from carrying on with day-to-day life in our beloved city.

Reporter: Alexi Alkaev

For ease of navigation through the Convergence Chronicle, please click the links below to see what pages have been updated for the month of June.

Happy Corner
Sleepless in Convergence
Conspiracy Theories
Monthly Spotlight

Monday, May 30, 2016

A Dark Thing

HEADLINE!:  A Dark Thing

A Dark Thing Occurred.  This statement harbors both intrigue and fear.  A single statement that speaks so much of our lives as to practically play it out as a sort of drama. This time, like all others, lead to a grand, frightening event that unfolded before the most brave our city has to offer. 

In the early evening of Tuesday, May 17th, the shrill sound of screams broke the calm silence. Words of Things attacking, turning against those they have so frequently guarded, quickly spread throughout the city.

Would-be heroes of Convergence gathered before the main gate and awaited for the suggested threat. From the ground it rose, viscous and black, a Thing of a scale never seen before slunk up and immediately took to the Border Guard. Several injuries and deaths among their ranks brought the citizens of the city to arms. Tactic after tactic were employed and so many plans failed. 

One citizen was reported as having attempted to shoot the giant Thing, and with a successful mark, caused a spray of the black ooze to explode away from its inky body. Those who were in the path of the spray, soon turned from fighting the Thing, to aiding it. The violence escalated into something none of the participants could have anticipated. Brother and friend against one another, fighting for what they were once against, their minds not their own. 

In the distance, the windmills of the city began to turn, slowly, then faster and faster as magic lowered notably. This thing exploded, sending a deluge of slimy black out toward all that were in the vicinity, then it dissolved slowly into the ground. Magic in the area stopped, as in became impossible to summon the power for the next several hours. 

Those who endured actual contact with fluids from the Thing eventually calmed, and regained their faculties. For now, it appears as though the Things oppose the city, but is that the case? Questions of whether or not the Things, once protectors of the city are indeed compromised. 

Things attacking or exhibiting strange behavior is not all together unusual, at least in recent months. As of late, the Things have displayed a slow but notable decline. Things have been reported as attacking citizens with other citizens, dragging people and murdering them in full view, having unusual attractions to balloons and looking at the sky.  As well as punishing people and giving vivid, frightful hallucinations, as opposed to banishing them from the city.  Citizens have mentioned that Things have been seen looming and watching, but performing no action. 

Some speculate Tuesday's attack was targeted to specific people. One man, Bob, who was speaking to us over the sound of Sponge Bob Square Pants and incessantly eating cereal, stated. "Um. I donno. Seems they was going against them guys who always do good stuff for the city." The man seemed off-put by the cries of an incarcerated woman. After yelling at her to kindly silence herself, he continued. "Yeah, thems and, um... people whos all babbling 'bout the Dark. And stuff. Yeah..." Then, he laughed like Sponge Bob. Upon being thoroughly creeped, out, we decided to leave and seek other, less weird sources. 

Reporter: Alexi Alkaev

This month's Convergence Chronicle is dedicated to Convergence player Saren Darkwatch.  Rest in Peace and Hammer Time.

The following pages have been updated this month.  Please click the links below to more easily navigate through the paper.

Happy Corner
Sleepless in Convergence
Conspiracy Theories
Monthly Spotlight

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Curiously Dreaming


Strange days and stranger nights. Convergence is our home,  be it some sort of determined love, or something more akin to Stockholm, we love our brutal city. Much has happened, though not with the typical flair as most months. This one was a battle of mental attrition. Nightmares, strange callings, strange symbols, and penguins, all staking their claim in our collective psyche over the passed weeks.

Dreams are something we attribute to a mental adventure as we rest and recover over the night. For some, there is little recovery, but hellish visions, while others enjoy something more calm, only to be forgotten upon waking. 

Even more pronounced are the dreams of a select few. Those who are no stranger to night terrors have discovered themselves trapped in a mire of night-time fear. Objects move, shift, and tremble of their own accord; always in the periphery, and never before one's eyes. But even deeper these instill fear, as now, some are finding mysterious marks, bruises, and bodily injury. Something stirs in the minds of the dreamers. Recent nights had found the nightmares of a few quelled, but others endure even more. 

It seems there is no relief in sight for these afflicted few. Perhaps it is the lack of sleep, or an inherent paranoia, but some have spoken of shadows, again, almost out of view, a spark of black that flits away as one's eyes come close. Stare at the side of an object to see it, one would think, but this is more somehow aware. 

Static energy, dead air, something was there, or was it? The answers are scant.

Others have different dreams, all together. 

Months ago, Convergence lost its beloved Mister Smith. Many had worried that he was poorly, and with a heavy, collective heart, we bid our esteemed father-figure a fare well parting. But some, in the night, claim to have heard from the dearly departed. 

A group of people have come together under the name 'Citizens Watch.' The members of this mushrooming organization report having been directed by Mister Smith in their dreams. The Citizens Watch seek to form a neighborhood safety, anti-crime, beautification, and social outreach program to better benefit the greater Convergence area. Curious eyes look to them, but for as pleasing as their intentions may be, their method of selection is rather dubious. 

What do the dreams of Convergence hold in the future?  And what of the dreamers themselves?  Only Time will tell.

Reporter: Alexi Alkaev

During this Convergence Chronicle, we're trying something a little different.  In order to give everyone ease of access to the paper, please see below the pages that were updated this month (April) with new content!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Sharknado BBQ Incident


Mid morning on March 12th, began some strange, but innocuous events. The wind and water called to a placid lassitude that belied the coming uproar.  This calm proved to be but a breath in as the winds and waters soon exhaled and ripped at the island, and explosions tore at the sky. 

A great, unknown device shot wide and crashed through the city walls and dome, leaving a gash a half a mile in our forward facing defenses. To answer, defensive forces engaged near the docks, and the gates were soon under siege. War broke out and several were wounded in the ensuing battles.  

Their efforts were not without their victory, however, as the attacking Elementals, revealed that they had in their possession, the device that had been used to pierce the dome. With grand effort, and many wounds, the City Forces gained control of the powerful device, a Transdimensional Core.

By mid-day, the elementals had sounded a retreat, and it seemed victory had been attained. But this was merely a calm in the storm, as a second attack was sounded by the Elementals a few hours later. Reports state the the invading army had passed through the breach under illusion, to appear at key locations, such as the Nexus, Library, Gates, and Park. 

The clock face of the Nexus burst into shards of glass, destroying an iconic symbol of this city, heralding the arrival of sky-falling harpies.  Battle tore through the city on multiple fronts. The Library burned as sorties defended both it, as well as the Gates. Those at the Gate were soon overwhelmed and the enemies breached. This brought more enemy troops into the city, bringing about the near fall of the Nexus. 

When the fighting reached its zenith, Ada called out a warning over the Adanet of "Impending Transdimensional Shift." This warning preceded the trigger of the Nexus Device. Every Elemental in the city disappeared simultaneously, dissolving into light and were all expunged from the city without a lingering trace. 

With the fall and disappearance of the slavers, Sylvani seemed to appear all over the city in local flashes of light.  The power used was not without consequences, The Nexus Device caught on fire and burned for several minutes before it was able to be put out safely.

Casualties of both body and city numbered high, and the repair will take significant time. Infrastructure and many buildings sustained damage, as well as the wall, and dome, itself. Some citizens are still unaccounted for, and considered to be among the missing that were taken captive by the Elementals in the first wave. 

Not without their own scruples and gratitude, and surely no lack of defiance, the recently freed Sylvani released some of those held captive, and guided them to their own freedom.  

Among the dead and wounded, at least six ducks were found dead, including Damion.  His mouth was noted to be "full of something that looked like it might have been worn by an air elemental."  Reports claim that Damion Jr. mourns the loss of his father and declares, in fowl language, that he shall rule in his father's place with an iron bill. We at the Convergence Chronicle cannot confirm these claims, and hope to <redacted> <redacted> this is some crap an editor slipped in. Either way, hide your wives, gird your loins, and guard your balls. 

It is also worth noting that some citizens claim the "Sharknado incident," was little more than a drug-induced weekend party, and that the BBQ weekend was a huge success.

Reporter: Alexi Alkaev

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Big Trouble in Little Convergence

HEADLINE: Big Trouble in Little Convergence

An unnamed group of men and women are sought for the late January explosion of the Silk District which injured a handful and managed to kill several employees as well as devastated a subdivision in the western part of the city. 

A chain reaction of explosions tore the formerly imperial-themed district apart. Little, to nothing was left standing. Several people perished in the explosions, and many more were injured. The city, however, was not without its swift response to the call of aid. Humanitarians rushed to the district to render aid in any form that could be offered. Some offered shielding to the wounded, others rushed to extract those buried in the rubble, and more still simply offered emotional support to those traumatized by events.

As fires raged across the district, Amara and her friend Uvall sought to triage the worst of the injured. Though no less helpful, many unseen moved about the District, hidden by smoke and flame, to help in other ways. Even the rescuers delved into the deep of peril, some coming to injury, themselves.

As the confusion abated, it was soon realized that the man who ran the District, and managed all aspects of business, was trapped in the rubble. His assistant, Trace, later confirmed that Leif Freyson had made the ultimate sacrifice and threw his friend out of the way of the collapsing Palace ceiling, only to perish, himself. Trace was later taken to the Nexus for treatment for several wounds and trauma.

Jae Joon Hwa took over as temporary Head Manager of the District and was quick to get it back to its former glory. With the aid of many good people of the Union Building, the Silk District was soon under reconstruction. In a show of dedication and hard work that is the mark of those at the Union, the Silk District did, indeed attain its former glory, and some say has gone beyond.

Hearkening back to the city of old, the rebuilt Silk District now appears as an old, Japanese hamlet, lost in time. Presiding over it is a contrasting great European mansion. This juxtaposition of East and West perfectly conveys the culture of the seminal district.

We at the Convergence Chronicle would like to thank the efforts of all those who arrived so promptly to the aid of so many. As if called, the rains poured down to begin washing away the soot and quell the flames. 

From all of us, thank you.

Amara, Uvall, Frossen, Iris, Tempest, Nana, Raziel, and everyone at the Union, thank you. 

If you were involved in the rebuilding or the rescue efforts and were not properly credited, please, come by the Convergence Chronicle so we may give the thanks you deserve.

Reporter: Alexi Alkaev

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Under a Blue Flare

HEADLINE!:  Under a Blue Flare

The able bodied citizens of Convergence merged together around the predetermined location of the Nexus under a blue flare. Once there, a cloud of nanites hearkened the shut down of the entity known as ADA. Robots who relied upon her link to them, and the city at large, went offline. Infrastructures also reliant upon this link went offline, including most mobile communications, radio communications, and the dome. The largest, the dome, merely flickered briefly before it was reactivated. 

Some theories suggest it was either a power cycle, or a back-up system coming online. One man was later grumbling, "Need to plug it in, ensure the files are up-to-date, and delete the WTF folder.  What is with the burning, and the fire, and the sthap!"

Red ADA descended and combat between her and her forces of hacked bots, as well as city protectors opened fully. ADA, the impostor, seemed to be unaffected by most, if not all forms of damage. As the battle continued, however, some unseen force, perhaps SpyBot or MalwareBytes, forced the entity from the city systems and all communications with ADA ceased. 

Then, as if in some strange B film, Red Ada revealed her 'true form' to be a spiky blob with black shadows and hands reaching up to claw and grasp. Reports from a protested source suggest that this figure was actually the guise of a creature from the 'beyond' known as Blackthorne.  

In this form, no longer protected by the false image, and infrastructure merge, he was able to sustain damage.  Which the fighting population of Convergence was only too happy to administer.

Lexxus, the battling woman spotlighted in last month's issue, took her own life for the final blow. She surged forward and was pierced with a shadowed spike through the chest, in order to deliver gunfire to Blackthorne's face. At that moment of sacrifice, an event across the city was given the proper time to complete, and the merged ADA was driven off, banished from the city. 

With the figure known as Red ADA now gone, reserve power was slowly depleting, and could not last. Looting and violence broke out throughout the city. As the prospect of a peaceful city diminished exponentially, the dome revved back online and stabilized. AdaNet came back online and communications reestablished. 

It is not clear how this happened, but those of us at the Convergence Chronicle wish to expressly thank those intrepid individuals who took part in this, and ensured the future of all of our homes.

Reporter: Alexi Alkaev