Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Water Water...

HEADLINE: Water Water Everywhere...BUT

With the water contamination warning and the boil order, it is time we pay close attention to the waters we drink. While some may think a quick, rolling boil may be sufficient, it may well be not. 

    "In order to kill the parasites, bacteria, and other pathogens in water, the most reliable thing to do is boil the water. Boiling will not evaporate all forms of chemical pollution, but it is still one of the safest methods of disinfection. Five minutes of a rolling boil will kill most organisms, but ten minutes is safer. Elevations high enough to effect boiling and cooking times will require slightly more time over the flame.

Boiling can be done over a campfire or stove in a metal, ceramic, or glass container. If no fireproof container is available, heat rocks for 30 minutes in the fire and place them into your container of water. This container could be a rock depression, a bowl burned out of wood, a folded bark container, a hide, or an animal stomach. Do not use quartz or any river rocks as these can explode when heated."

- Tim MacWelch

    Since boiling cannot remove chemical contaminates, individuals who are out in the woods are urged for even more aggressive means of purification. Provided below are a list of suggestions that may help you remain safe in this trying time.

    There are many viable filters out that will clean a near-potable water source of any lingering contaminants. Larger bacteria, microbes, and viruses can be successfully filtered with an activated carbon filter. These come in many forms such as survival straws. Many such models can be used as a drinking straw, or even attached to a hose. Please bear in mind that this form of filtration is not perfect. 


    Other options for killing water-bound organisms is UV. There are some UV filters that are battery free and hand cranked, and serve as a rather surprising effective means to purify. This method works by disrupting the DNA of illness-causing microbes in mere moments. Such devices are increasingly popular due to their high effectiveness and ease of use. With large particles, however, they are not quite as effective.

A very simple method for clearing water by way of the sun is to fill clear, not opaque, plastic bottles with water and let it remain in the sun, directly, for a day. In cases of overcast, it is suggested to let it sit for two days. The issues with this method is that plastic, not glass bottles should be used, and the plastic must be perfectly clear. Also, aside from the time needed, the yield is also quite small at two liters at maximum. This method also may be less effective against spores and some parasites. In lean times, however, this is a preferable method. 

    There are various forms of tablet based cleaning methods. "The toxicity and flavor of iodine can be a little problematic. The iodine tablets are generally not a good choice for pregnant women or anyone with thyroid issues or shellfish allergies. Picky children are also notorious for failing to drink the iodine-infused water, which could lead to dehydration and other serious repercussions in an already dicey emergency." - Outdoor Life


    Bleach or Iodine are both quite effective when used to disinfect drinking water. The amount used is dependent upon many factors, but cold or murky water will need roughly four drops per quart, where as warm or clear water, only requires two. After the chemical has been added, seal the container and shake for one minute. After shaking, turn the bottle upside down and open the cap so a small amount pours out to clean the cap and bottle threads. Then, store in a darkened place or the shade for thirty minutes. Open the bottle and it should smell lightly of chlorine.  If it does not, add another drop or two of bleach.

   Some contaminants are simply too dangerous or damaging to properly filter, such as radiation, lead, salt, heavy metals, and other such dangers. When the water is too dangerous for basic filtering, it is suggested to distill the water. Capturing the vapor of boiled, toxic water can provide relatively clean drinking water, even in the case of radiation. 

It is suggested to use at least one of the methods suggested, and if available, two. 

Finally, there is always the DIY filter method, which you can find below! Be safe, Convergence, from all of us at the Chronicle!

Reporter: Alexi Alkaev-Kurosawa

((Info from

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