Saturday, December 2, 2017

The Ice Man Cometh


The Wendigo is a natural scourge that is unleashed upon the world by an unnatural means. The stories say that a person can be infected in mere moments, or dragged about for as long as months. One of the most obvious symptoms is overt aggression, and at deeper stages, a near feral rage and murderous, cannibalistic hunger overtakes the individual. 

This begs the question; why do we not hear of this sort of thing more often? Perhaps, we do. 

There are stories of people getting inebriated on substances quite often, with vicious, violent attacks. Some examples include strange acts of violence in Florida, known as the "Miami Zombie" and the "Causeway Cannibal." 

In 2012, a nude assailant attacked and maimed a homeless man that left the victim blinded, and severely maimed. Another well known incident was in California in 2010. A man gouged out his combat training partner's heart, eyes and tongue, all while he was still alive. Witness testimonies detail the two men's increasing paranoia as it spiraled out of control. Again, one could point to the drug use, but perhaps that was merely another symptom. 

Then, there is the most well known case; The Donner Party.  During the grueling pilgrimage to California, moods soured and tensions mounted. They had already had to have numerous detours and endured rough roads, so it only embittered them further. One of the men became incensed that another man was taking interest in his wife. In a strange turn, the man became violent, and he attacked, and stabbed the would be suitor. He was exiled, left in the salt flats. The rest, we know well with history; a bitter storm, starvation, and cannibalism. 

So, one could argue that these were merely the repercussions of drug use and brutal stress, but the symptoms also are well in line what we have seen from Wendigo infection. Postmortem, it is hard to say.

Several of the citizens of Convergence gathered in a small cave, myself included, to assist in binding one of these creatures. While  it is was but one of many, the ritual was a success to quarantine the creature, thereby preventing it from infecting others. A hunting party moved in the forests, seeking others, and the hunt yet continues. 

There is no word on the quality of cellular signals in the caves, but, there is a Windigo there, so interested buyers are discouraged. 

Reporter: Alexi Alkaev-Kurosawa

For ease in navigating the Convergence Chronicle, please click the links below to see which pages have been updated for the month of November.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017


While the city was wrapped in all the colors and textures of autumn, there was a blanket of pure, crystalline winter. It was not the bitter cold of winter, but the feeling of being in loving warmth while the blustering wind stabs outside. It was the day when many, all different in body, blood, and soul, merged together in a welcoming event; the coronation of our own Crowned Prince, Saefiraen, Son of Maab, Lord of Winter, as High King Saefiraen, King of the Avis Teannadh, Ruler of the Earthen Fae, Lord of Winter, King of Blessings and Curses, Devorer of Hot Pockets and Lover of all Things Fluffy. 

Many friendly hearts gathered in a stunning shimmering cave to witness a vow spoken by the grand Seelie. He spoke of protection, affection, strength of mind and of body. Those gathered felt such inspiration at the scene, watching the Crowning of the Earthen Court King of Avis Teannadh. 

The words rang out against frozen crystal, and he entreated all, inquiring if they would support the nascent crown, and Avis Teannadh, in opposing the oppression from Avalon. He bid all to offer their support in the form of a true blue rose that all had been given upon arrival. 

To offer one's assistance to the Fae, one merely need add their rose to a cauldron, filled with a scintillating brew. Many in attendance offered their support, from seasoned elders, to starry-eyed babes. 

It was a simple, yet, lovely coronation, grand most in heart and intention. And, for all who offered their rose, a boon was granted.  The roses, support and cheers became a spell that bound a mystical mirror to a myriad of locations for the City of Convergence to use. It resides in the park, and is free for all to enjoy as a gift from the The Court of Avis Teannadh and the people who serve as their bolstering foundation. 

Long Live The King.

Reporter: Alexi Alkaev-Kurosawa

For ease in navigating the Convergence Chronicle, please click the links below to see which pages have been updated for the month of October.

Happy Corner
Sleepless in Convergence
Conspiracy Theories

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Burning Down The House


Once again, strife fell upon our city on the 5th of September. Fae from beyond suddenly struck down and in one fell swoop, and did the unthinkable; destroyed our library.  

Upon arriving, the warriors of this city, and some onlookers, discovered a great crowd of fleeing people. The innocents ran at full haste from hellish monsters, resembling raptors with eyestalks growing out of their backs.  These terrible creatures savagely attacked and ate people in droves.  

After a short battle with these beasts,  the monsters began to explode, causing huge blazes in several places around the city. Suddenly, reports that the library was a victim of the battle, set ablaze by the suicidal freaks.  

This endearing icon of this city, such an ageless structure, and a strong mark of the endurance was destroyed in an explosive eruption. The loss was great, not only in the building, itself, previously thought indestructible, but in potential lives. Many were pulled from the blaze, but some were unfortunately lost. 

In the intervening days, the city stood numb, shocked by what had transpired. Several Convergence Citizens recounted events, unsure if it had even been real. 

But Convergence, ever the enigma, surmounted the trial. It seemed neither the city, nor the library, itself would give up. Books of all subjects, rained down from the sky. Tomes of all importance fell, sometimes upon an unfortunate soul. There was no particular theme to the books, it was as if the library was merely upended, and all fell out. 

The raining books served only as an indication of what was to come next. Brick by brick, the library, as those who attend it know well, began to repair itself. Late in the night, its self repair continued until completion, where it stood as an abiding, if stubborn, beacon of knowledge. 

As if called by some unknown voice, the books that had fallen and scattered about the city disappeared, only to return to their rightful home in the newly reformed library.  There are no reports if the books are in proper order. Though, some jokingly suggest the mystery books should be facing pages-side out. 

Reporter: Alexi Alkaev-Kurosawa

For ease in navigating the Convergence Chronicle, please click the links below to see which pages have been updated for the month of September.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Total Eclipse of Our Hearts


Celestial events are typically something exciting. However, with recent trials and tribulations, it was a sadly significant source of anxiety for the denizens of this city. With our recent sojourn to this strange, void world, we were faced with an eclipse the likes of which we have never encountered. Not only is it the first to have been witnessed in the recently populated sphere, but it also was a double eclipse of Luna, Keres, Earth, and our Sun. Time seemed locked in a bubble for us, leaving us with the enjoyment of the spectacle for several hours. 

What could come of this; a portal into the emptiness? A great chasm with armies invading?  So many sinister and exciting thoughts racing through our every mind.  But no nothing of the sort occurred. If anything, it was a night of celestial pranks.

In my family alone, the little ones saw fit to bury an elder of the family in vines, then climb about them. My husband was the most unusual Disney Princess, donning an entire petting zoo of fuzzy critters, and yours truly had an itch to end all itches. 

Everyone milled about, reporting heightened senses, loss of senses, gazing into the beyond, voices from other-where, extra body parts, flickering lights, and seeing into forever. The laws of the city were laid down by our ADA, but when all was said and done, there was little sinister of note. It was simply a strange, enjoyable evening for all.

Personal issues and crises, notwithstanding, the night passed like any others, and served, as the sun came up upon the next day, to give everyone a single, collective sigh of relief. 

So, what happened with all of you, my fair people? Write in and let us know! Your story may make the paper!

Reporter: Alexi Alkaev-Kurosawa

For ease in navigating the Convergence Chronicle, please click the links below to see which pages have been updated for the month of August.

Sunday, July 30, 2017



Violet lightning tore through the sky and once again, served as a harbinger for our city's elite. Several people moved to follow it, eventually leading into the depth of the forest; a dangerous place for those who have not struck an accord, at the best of times. 

From great portals did Fae unknown into our world. They were aggressive and sure, and sought to abduct our own. Several kith and kin were stolen from us, and taken to a places unknown. Some of the combatants who engaged in battle fell ill with strange, flu-like symptoms. There were rumbles of a sickness, as what plunged us into an age of ghost metropoles; D-13. As of yet, no cases have been reported, and the symptoms seem to have abated. There are those who suggest it could be an isolated strain that cannot endure in our dimensional space. Supposition, however, is not what is necessary at this moment in time.

What facts we have, come most recently are from our Duchess. She spoke on ADANet, giving the most haunting, yet empowering  statement.

"Avalon shut its Gates to us upon the turn of the tide of D-13, and it opens them now to seek Lumina, the magical energy, of those it deems lower and defiled. At this moment, Mab, Queen of the Unseelie, and Oberon, King of the Seelie, are locked in bloody and consuming battle over Avalon. The actions they perpetrate against Earth are meant to further themselves in that battle." 

She continued to explain that there is a great secret held by Convergence, and the Library there in. Over time, Mab and Oberon sought to exile many, sending them to a place called The Eldrich Isles of Avalon. There in, the exiles forged their one society and culture, and lived under the law of one called High Kokorri. Meanwhile in a time untold, the courts of Seelie and Unseelie, Oberon and Mab, would touch upon madness and corruption, seeking to consume and destroy their world of Avalon, and any others in their path.

The hands that forged the Fae, The Olde Ones Who Sleep, would rise again and cull and consume a 'thousand thousand' Fae before once again returning to their slumber. Only those mentioned, 'the exiled, the Fae of the Eldrich Isles,' would see life after, for they had no part in this wanton destruction of worlds. 

With this telling of prophecy, Duchess Iris made an inspiring declaration. "I share this prophecy with you now so that we can declare to all, our intention to stand apart from Avalon. We do not follow, and we will not follow, Mab and Oberon through their descent into madness and ruin. We declare ourselves the Court of the Avis Teannadh, which in Fae means, 'That which is born of a new world/realm.' Our Court swears our loyalty and fealty to our declared lord, King Saefiraen. We will not be a part of Avalon's destruction, of itself, of this world and others. We will stand on the brink and we will protect this place that is now our home." 

She follows with a plea to stand at the side of the nascent Avis Teannadh and battle the threats that come to our city. In this, she offered a favor of the new court, a rose upon ones lapel. One and all, join together, as family of this world. Stand together so that we may take back those we love that were taken from us. Let no one be left to endure the madness. 

Reporter: Alexi Alkaev-Kurosawa

For ease in navigating the Convergence Chronicle, please click the links below to see which pages have been updated for the month of July.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Dance Magic Dance


The days have been becoming more and more interesting as of late. Magic flourished to levels out of control and all called forth by an alarming event. On the evening of June 13th, every mirror in the city shattered. This was not only mirrors, but any surface that reflected with clarity. Why would this be so specific?

After this grand display, many took to action and immediately collected the shattered shards to contain them in caution. In the wake of this, magic struck as it never had before, as if everyone was blasted with a great wave of power, much beyond our normal means. Because of this, the magic one possessed strengthened with little control, sometimes erupting unbidden. 

With the chaos, the Things attempted to contain the rampant magic use, but they were quickly overwhelmed by the sheer volume of incidences. To keep the already strained resources in check, the matron entity, ADA, relieved the city and her population of the constraint of law until noted otherwise. 

Various oddities occurred, the Silk turning into a strange jungle, the Church became covered in a green carpet of flowering ivy, fountain statues spat water at any passerby, to the delight of children, a spontaneous light show appeared above the park, and the beauty of true forms bloomed. After nearly a week of randomness, the laws were reinstated and some semblance of normalcy once again  was reached.

However, despite the everyday lives of Convergence Citizens returning to normal, it still begs the question as to why all this happened at all.  Wild stories of what could have caused the shattering mirrors and magical disturbance abounds.  Was it merely coincidence, some sort of happy experiment, or something far more sinister?  Perhaps, only time shall tell.

Reporter: Alexi Alkaev-Kurosawa

For ease in navigate the Convergence Chronicle, please click the links below to see which pages have been update for the month of June.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Water Water...

HEADLINE: Water Water Everywhere...BUT

With the water contamination warning and the boil order, it is time we pay close attention to the waters we drink. While some may think a quick, rolling boil may be sufficient, it may well be not. 

    "In order to kill the parasites, bacteria, and other pathogens in water, the most reliable thing to do is boil the water. Boiling will not evaporate all forms of chemical pollution, but it is still one of the safest methods of disinfection. Five minutes of a rolling boil will kill most organisms, but ten minutes is safer. Elevations high enough to effect boiling and cooking times will require slightly more time over the flame.

Boiling can be done over a campfire or stove in a metal, ceramic, or glass container. If no fireproof container is available, heat rocks for 30 minutes in the fire and place them into your container of water. This container could be a rock depression, a bowl burned out of wood, a folded bark container, a hide, or an animal stomach. Do not use quartz or any river rocks as these can explode when heated."

- Tim MacWelch

    Since boiling cannot remove chemical contaminates, individuals who are out in the woods are urged for even more aggressive means of purification. Provided below are a list of suggestions that may help you remain safe in this trying time.

    There are many viable filters out that will clean a near-potable water source of any lingering contaminants. Larger bacteria, microbes, and viruses can be successfully filtered with an activated carbon filter. These come in many forms such as survival straws. Many such models can be used as a drinking straw, or even attached to a hose. Please bear in mind that this form of filtration is not perfect. 


    Other options for killing water-bound organisms is UV. There are some UV filters that are battery free and hand cranked, and serve as a rather surprising effective means to purify. This method works by disrupting the DNA of illness-causing microbes in mere moments. Such devices are increasingly popular due to their high effectiveness and ease of use. With large particles, however, they are not quite as effective.

A very simple method for clearing water by way of the sun is to fill clear, not opaque, plastic bottles with water and let it remain in the sun, directly, for a day. In cases of overcast, it is suggested to let it sit for two days. The issues with this method is that plastic, not glass bottles should be used, and the plastic must be perfectly clear. Also, aside from the time needed, the yield is also quite small at two liters at maximum. This method also may be less effective against spores and some parasites. In lean times, however, this is a preferable method. 

    There are various forms of tablet based cleaning methods. "The toxicity and flavor of iodine can be a little problematic. The iodine tablets are generally not a good choice for pregnant women or anyone with thyroid issues or shellfish allergies. Picky children are also notorious for failing to drink the iodine-infused water, which could lead to dehydration and other serious repercussions in an already dicey emergency." - Outdoor Life


    Bleach or Iodine are both quite effective when used to disinfect drinking water. The amount used is dependent upon many factors, but cold or murky water will need roughly four drops per quart, where as warm or clear water, only requires two. After the chemical has been added, seal the container and shake for one minute. After shaking, turn the bottle upside down and open the cap so a small amount pours out to clean the cap and bottle threads. Then, store in a darkened place or the shade for thirty minutes. Open the bottle and it should smell lightly of chlorine.  If it does not, add another drop or two of bleach.

   Some contaminants are simply too dangerous or damaging to properly filter, such as radiation, lead, salt, heavy metals, and other such dangers. When the water is too dangerous for basic filtering, it is suggested to distill the water. Capturing the vapor of boiled, toxic water can provide relatively clean drinking water, even in the case of radiation. 

It is suggested to use at least one of the methods suggested, and if available, two. 

Finally, there is always the DIY filter method, which you can find below! Be safe, Convergence, from all of us at the Chronicle!

Reporter: Alexi Alkaev-Kurosawa

((Info from

For ease in navigating the Convergence Chronicle, please click the links below to see which pages have been updated for the month of May.  Check out the musings of Mr. Reeds, the Convergence Chronicle's newest reporter, in his column, 'In the Reeds.'

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Just a Jump to the Left


We live; we thrive. 

Everyone, please, take a moment to stop. 

Drop what you are presently doing, and look up. If you have a bag of Doritos at hand, hold it aloft, for a great thing has been done for each and every one of us. 

It is oft said that the key to a healthy body and mind is emotions, specifically joy. Sadness, depression, and general stress causes your body to not function as it should. Happiness, laughter, and love, all build up our bodies and help maintain a healthy immune system. That, in turn, allows us to be strong, stable, and resistant. This same principal was displayed by Engineer Zig during what we hope was the final battle against the Dark.

He strove to keep our emotions high in a time of great strife. He bid us to smile, laugh, and experience joy, thus, making the very magic about us stronger.

It was amid laughter and joy, that he uttered one final word, and ripped this world from where we once were. His magic, in his very blood, spilled that day, all the while, he held up strong. It was the core of something beyond a Blink. He had given his life to send not only the city, but everything out of our previous dimension. There are no questions, no theories, no... nothing. 

Inter-dimensional travel was confirmed before all of us.  

Now, what could all of this be? 

What world is this and what was it before? 

According to sources, this dimension he placed us within using his last breath was formerly dead. It was utterly wiped out by D-13, and because there was no life at all remaining, the Dark passed it up and moved on to another. That said, it was a place that held no Convergence. It was the perfect place for us to take root. 

There are some differences. We have regained some of the cities that  had been previously lost; seemingly reset to previous months. Some things are simply changed, but not too drastically. This dimension shares a great many similarities to our own, now lost, previous dimension. Some doors open in a different direction, though, that could even be a false memory, some hues upon tings are different, such as a previously red house is now blue. Observe each one of these changes and know it is because of a great man that you may see it at all.

So, what shall we do now? 

Live. Love, and be strong. 

Learn about what has transpired, and what has saved our lives, and our new dimension. Look upon the soil and know that it was once entirely dead; now feel the weight of your feet. Hold a Dorito up, and savor it, for you yet live to enjoy it. 

Reporter: Alexi Alkaev-Kurosawa

For ease in navigating the Convergence Chronicle, please click the links below to see which pages have been updated for the month of April.  Be sure to read this month's 'Conspiracy Theories' page to see an 'update?' to the sim-wide event involving DJ Slicer.  The Convergence Chronicle also has a new writer, please check out the musings of Mr. Reeds in his new column, 'In the Reeds.'  This month he brings us an interview with Humans First's own, Caesar.

Happy Corner
Sleepless in Convergence
Conspiracy Theories
In the Reeds

Friday, March 31, 2017

Did Someone Drop a House on the Dark's Sister?


There are times in the city where one begins to write events as they happen, and can only stop and stare. This past month, even as recently as this Thursday, was such a case. 

Weeks ago, a man some have come to know as Engineer Zig, was visiting the fountain in central park. It was not for a relaxing stroll, however, as he had a task to perform. He placed a plaque upon the fountain proclaiming that he possessed something of interest to another party, a dagger, and a date. 

Correctly, he assumed this would act as the perfect summon, and three chronomancers emerged from a great blue light. They were three representatives of the Interdimensional Chromancers League; a woman with a sheep, to be called the Woman With a Sheep, as her name could not be pronounced chronologically; two finely dressed gentlemen; and a elephant by the name of Joshua, who was, at one time, a war hero.

The elephant, Joshua, had upon his back, a crate with an impressive Light device to trade. Despite this, it is assumed that the four decided that they wished to keep the device and the dagger as well. After taking the dagger from Zig, with a wish of thanks; they stabbed Engineer Zig, offering, "for the Timeline," in explanation. 

Having now in their possession the ill-gained dagger, the trio and animals, sought to flee from the city. One of our own protectors, an impressively sized figure with an even more impressively sized weapon, requested that all be calm, for there was illegal chronomancy afoot. This, however, quite obviously, was not well received by the trio and animal cohorts. The robot fired at them, startling them all. The sheep was so startled, he turned into a nude man. Rhys, also not content to allow the group to leave, gave chase, disappearing into nothingness. 

With nary a sight of any of the group, attention returned to the fallen Engineer Zig, where he was promptly rushed to the Nexus. It was there that he fell into a deep slumber. There were whispers of what had happened while he rest. Some thought he was merely in a coma, others claim he was 'repairing.'

Either way, the city sought to revive their fallen ally, and on Thursday, at the request of ADA, merged at the windmill to offer all they could. Various robots toiled and pressed buttons, and machines roared to life. Everyone who arrived to donate was harvested for delicate Light magic, presumably, safely. Ever dutiful, Lady Iris conducted a ritual to gather and manipulate the Light on offer. 

In retaliation, Dark-infected flying monkeys appeared out of the park and immediately the protectors of this city descended upon them. Fair Harpies punched flying monkeys out of the air, and monkeys committed monkey violence. One cyborg achieved a fine paste out of a monkey. Please, do not eat it on toast.

A kitsune attempted to freeze the troop of flying simians. As he began to gather strength, the machines powered up; shooting lightning in all directions. As the lightning began blanketing space under the dome, the ender kitsune stopped everything and devised a new plan. With haste, he cast high magic and redirected the lightning to plow through the monkeys. There was too much at stake, the ground beneath us shook; and the news broke; Shock! the monkeys.

After all of this, our Engineer Zig walked out, not of the Nexus, as one would expect, but out of the windmill, where the Light had been gathered. Upon emerging, he expressed that he had no idea what had happened, and someone kindly offered him a sandwich. He explained, over the sandwich, that he was 70% sure the machines that had been used to revive him would have destroyed the city.  Good thing he was wrong!

One final thing of note, using both red and green levers at the same time resulted in a robot malfunction. You monster. 

In closing, Rhys, enjoy your travels, when ever you are. And, “There’s a lot of things you need to get across this universe. Warp drive… wormhole refractors… You know the thing you need most of all? You need a hand to hold.” 

Convergence is waiting for you. Your ducks are unhappy. 

Reporter:  Alexi Alkaev-Kurosawa

For ease in navigating the Convergence Chronicle, please click the links below to see which pages have been updated for the month of March.  Be sure to read this month's 'Conspiracy Theories' page to see an 'update?' to the sim-wide event involving DJ Slicer.   The Convergence Chronicle also has a new writing, please check out the musings of Mr. Reeds in his new column, 'In the Reeds.'

Monday, February 27, 2017

Only Die When It Is Your Time



Hana wa sakuragi
Hito wa bushi

"[In] Flowers it's Cherry Blossoms, [In] Men it's Warriors."

This is the suggestion that of all flowers, sakura is the best; in men, it is the warrior. Warrior, so written, is samurai, but there is a hidden, implied meaning. Often times, sakura is a representation of the samurai, largely implicit. So, how did this come to be?

There are two sources, among many, that suggest how this connection came about. 

The first was an old legend. An aged samurai had long outlived his family. He had buried the loves of his life, and all that remained for him was a single sakura tree. He looked upon it, and over time, it too died. 

Bereft of all of his loves and reasons, he stepped out into the winter snow and begged the Gods to grant him one last wish. If this tree were to bloom again, he would give his life. Then, the Gods looked down upon the fatigued warrior and granted his wish. The tree breathed again and it's branches became heavy with virginal, white blooms. 

True to his word and his commitment, he placed a blade into his stomach and ended himself with great honor and respect. His blood soaked the snow, soaked into the earth, and nourished the roots of his beloved tree. As the tree thrived, the bloom, once white, became pink with the blood of his sacrifice. To this day, all sakura honor the samurai in reflecting his blood as that of their own. 

This connection continues anew, as the samurai is again linked to the the cherry blossom. As in the story, a samurai only falls when it is ended, as does the bloom. Sakura, and samurai, are beautiful, striking entities, that are fleeting. When it is their time, they will fall, as is their honor, with nary a protest.

In other words, the sakura blossom does not set free from the tree until it is ready - ready to die.  So too does a samurai not leave this world, until true and ready of honor and spirit to lay down and die.

This month of February the Convergence Chronicle decided to do something a bit different.  As we look out and see fire, ash, sorrow and fatigue, may you also see beauty, splendor, honor, and the pink of the great sakura.

 "[In] Flowers it's Cherry Blossoms, [In] Men it's Warriors."

Those that are left in Convergence are the very best, the chosen few who have made it through life, death, and the pursuit of a world that while dying, has yet to fall from the tree.  We at the Convergence Chronicle encourage each and every one of you; only die when it is your time, and from the sakura blossom to the samurai, when it is your time: die with honor.

Reporter: Alexi Alkaev-Kurosawa

For ease in navigating the Convergence Chronicle, please click the links below to see which pages have been updated for the month of February.  Be Sure to read this month's 'Conspiracy Theories' page to see an 'update?' to the sim-wide event involving DJ Slicer.  The Convergence Chronicle also has a new reporter, Candi, and her page can be found under 'Candi's Around Town.'

Happy Corner
Sleepless in Convergence
Conspiracy Theories
Candi's Around Town

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Enter The Black; Cover In Light


Chest Bursters, Face Huggers, and Alien Queens; these things are typically relegated to the chapters of a Science Fiction novel, but at least one of them has entered our world.  Though not as expected, if one could say it was expected at all. 

What came to us was something greatly akin to the "Grim." They were great, malevolent black dogs that ripped through the chests of solitary dreamers, killing them, and one only need to see the dogs to plant the seed. These creatures, agents of the Dark, traversed the conduits of dreams to force their way into this realm, using a sacrificial body as a portal. More and more, this moved from a thing that happened in rumor, to actual people we knew being taken. 

It has been suggested that this was simply another, though gruesome, form of a breach to circumvent our dome and enter the city. It seemed that there was no way to combat this without risking exposure and 'contamination.'

As ever, Convergence stepped forward. The city responded, in droves, to the baleful call of the Grim. From the park, they emerged and set upon the windmill. From the alleyways they emerged, moving toward the tailoring shop. The seeped up, infecting our streets. Combat assured, and the answer came in the form of weapons of pure Light.

Every citizen had the perfect weapon, and they displayed this with confidence. The beasts were felled, but it was then that their true nature came to be. Dark tainted flesh, that of their victims was the medium they were comprised. From the fallen, blacked flesh, spirits emerged. Once twisted in agony, now freed, light, and flowing from their Dark prisons. It was those taken, used by the Dark to penetrate the protections of this city. 

The day was won. There were wounds, burns, and pains, but those who had been enduring the very worst finally knew their absolution.  Take a moment this day to appreciate those around you, and those no longer with us. Take a moment to feel pride in another, for it is at their sides we know another day's light.

Reporter: Alexi Alkaev

For ease of navigating the Convergence Chronicle, please click the links below to see which pages have been updated for the month of January.  Be sure to read this month's 'Conspiracy Theories' page to see an 'update?' to the sim-wide event involving DJ Slicer.