Cerastes - Mar 20 – Apr 20
What’s going on in that gorgeous head of yours, Cerastes? There’s so much brewing that will come to the surface in the New Year; but for now, it’s time to bake your ideas, feelings, and vision till they’re golden brown and delicious. Your big picture, long-term goals need you, and if you get too caught up in the she said/he said of your social life, you’ll end up missing out on some pretty fantastic opportunities that will help get you back on track.
Manticore - Apr 20 – May 21
Make it happen, Manticore! You’re filled up with fire this month, and it’s a great way to close 2024 down. Look for constructive outlets near the beginning of the month. You may be feeling angry or stuck, and if you have a place to take out your aggression, you’ll be better able to take care of yourself with the new year. And with the holidaze upon us, it’d be easy to focus on everyone’s needs but your own, but that’s a mistake you’ve made before. Hold your emotions and needs in balance with the gorgeous people around you, or you’ll end up feeling resentful for making compromises that no one even asked you to make.
Hydra - May 21 – Jun 21
Sometimes the stuff that feels like the saddest boner in the world at first ends up being the very best thing for you, Hydra. Well, maybe that's not the case but, it is for you in December. This month your relationships and all the babes and bitches in them need you. The people you’re committed to are expecting you to follow through with promises and engagements, and can you blame them? For as much joy and admiration that the people in your life give you, you’re responsible to them too. But don't get it wrong, you’re entitled to change your mind about shit, but you gotta tell people when you do.
Phoenix - Jun 21 – Jul 23
If you take on other people’s ideas of what you are you will lose your center, and if you ignore their views, then you’re living in a tiny narcissistic bubble. What you have to do is find a balanced way of holding people’s opinions of you, Phoenix, so that their ideas don’t have more power over your self-worth then they should. You are a fierce and fabulous diva, a human-shaped snowflake. There is absolutely no one else like you in this world. So, perhaps you should take time this month to reconnect with who you think you are, based on your behavior in the here and now.
Dragon - Jul 23 – Aug 23
December might start out with a thud, but it’ll end with a bang! Turn inward in the first half of the month to find the where your blahs are coming from. And don’t candy-coat your feelings either, even if you’re stressing out. There's a reason you're stressed, and your job is to look for and handle the source of your malaise instead of just symptoms. I mean we all want to sit on the couch and eat ice cream and fooge, but we need you out there. Oh, and be especially open to signs during the Full Moon on the 15th . You’ll be able to make sense of them between the 23rd-26th when the stars and planets align to bring you insights you can finally use.
Tillmouse - Aug 23 – Sep 23
The first couple of days of December are likely to be on the heavy side but don’t freak the fuck out. That lack of flow you’re feeling on the outside is just to get you to move that energy to your inside. Who you are is up to you, and don’t let anyone tell you differently, Tillmouse. At the end of the month, however, there can be some very hot and sexy good news for you; or it can end up being a deep-dish backfire. Just let the universe guide your hand this month, I promise it's going to be worth it in the end.
Alecto - Sep 23 – Oct 22
If you feel like you are shaky ground this month, don't worry it's not in your head. But, for you, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. You need a change of pace and the direction you’re taking your life needs to go along with it. Vision and follow-through are your two best tools this month, so make sure you’ve got them both at the ready. You’ve got so much going on that it’s easy to get caught up in what’s in front of you instead of staying focused on your big picture plans. No amount of pressure from the outside needs to shake the fierceness of what you are on the inside, babe.
Arachne - Oct 23 – Nov 22
You’ve got this path you’re on, and it's a fucking great one, believe me, but there might be some serious problems with it too. You’ve been suffering, my darling, and that's no bueno. Take your heartache and use it as inspiration to make changes, instead of sitting around and getting stuck in it. Love is a gorgeous thing, but when you love someone or something at the expense of your life growing in creative ways, you’re going to be in real trouble. No matter how tempting it is, don’t dismiss your needs this month. We’re about to step into a new year, and you can either drag all your old crap with you or let it go in hopes of creating a more amazing life.
Nyctimene - Nov 23 - Dec 21
Start it up right, Nyctimene. December’s New Moon is in your sign, and it’s putting you on blast and telling you to get your shit together. You’re going through some significant transformations, and you’ve got to stay clearheaded to keep yourself tight and right. You can assert yourself in powerful ways this month, but if you act out of character, you’ll be appalled by your actions. Sometimes, you may fear that being too much like yourself will alienate others or push people away, but there’s no better way to be true to yourself than being yourself.
Sphinx - Dec 22 - Jan 19
This month starts out strong for you, Sphinxy. Get your head on right at the start of the month, and prepare for the Full Moon in on the 15th. It’ll be whispering sweet nothings to both Mars and Venus, which means that you’ll be able to follow through with your plans in inspired and productive ways. But if what you start this month, doesn't work out, it might be smart to reassess whether what you were doing was really good for you to begin with. There are tons of vibes at play in the cosmos to support you in taking your game to the next level, but it’s on you to get out there and actually do something. Get off your ass and make it happen.
Pegasus - Jan 20 - Feb 18
It’s the end of 2024 and time to get in line with where you’re at and what you want. It's high time you drag out your Dear Diary and get to journaling, Pegasus. Get right with yourself before you try to feel better by making others like you, sweet one. The magic of making friends and stealing hearts is in being your beautiful self, and not wasting time pretending to be something you’re not. Why would you want to be anything else? If you're more concerned with whether or not someone else likes you that you don’t check in with how you feel for them, you’re going to be missing out, big time.
Cetea - Feb 19 - Mar 20
It’s all about your relationships, fishy. Whether we’re talking about your relationship to yourself or your relationships with others, you’re unlikely to get away with any bullshit this month. When you get sad, it’s easy to try and push those feelings away, but that ends up making you agitated or extra bummed with a side of confused, and you'll be sitting in the corner ugly crying in no time. Deal directly with your heart, babe, even if it’s painful or confusing. This month is chock full of emotional landmines that could make you want to act out to protect yourself rather than get really grounded and calmly figure out your needs to bring in the New Year with some closure.
Provided by Valentine Thorne, Occulus. Fortune Teller and Medium. Stop in to find out more about your future.
Wow, these horoscopes are so...aggressive.