The Marigold Project

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The Marigold Project

Those that keep up on events, may have heard about the success of the Marigold Project in creating a new, more successful vaccine for D13. 

No one needs to be reminded of the horrors that our planet faced when D13 was first released on the world. Tomorrow Sky, with Centipede now as leader and spokesperson, crashed into the CDC and caused the virus to be released. It took only a year for hidden races to put grudges aside, and work toward a solution. 

Mages and mutants have been part of human history since their start, and each came forward with representatives. Then other races did as well, making known to the world fae, underkin, vampires, shifters, and even wraiths. They joined together to work on the Marigold Project, and were able to create a vaccine against D13. This was the first step in helping to protect precious humanity. 

Since then, Tomorrow Sky who first brought the plague to the world, has unkindly made birds carriers of their next intended strand. They have threatened to make one even worse, one that the vaccine won't protect against, to wipe out everyone. 

Caesar says that he will keep this from happening, but all that has been seen of his contribution has been destroying a shipment of supplies to the Nexus.  These supplies that would help prevent sickness from spreading and passed the vaccine on further.  He speaks a lot of words, but spreads more and more violence.

The celestials too have now joined the Consortium, and the Marigold Project still moves forward. Recently they announced that a new version of the vaccine has even a lower rate of failure and soon they will be helping to see this spread further. 

Hopefully a cure is not far off, in time to prevent further destruction from being released.

But Caesar speaks against those that are not fully human. Against mages and mutants, who are as close to human as can be without being taken as being human. Against cyborgs who were once human, before that was taken from them. Vampires, shifters, wraiths,  Fae and underkin; all of these races that are protective of humans, and Caesar is seeking to destroy them. These races have no interest in destroying humans, the most protected race on the island of Convergence. But Caesar would have you think they are beneath him, and need to be destroyed, to take the island back. 

Not long ago, a petition was sent around the island, set to posts and held on clipboards, calling Caeser and Humans First out. It was signed by many around the island that find his tactics and words to be lies, twisted and foul. 

In response to that, citizens around the island are beginning to wear marigold yellow arm bands, showing their support for peace and cooperation, and to finding a solution to a problem that is currently a threat to all races and occupants of the island.

Individuals who would like to share their story and their own personal reasons for wearing a yellow arm band -- or not wearing one -- are welcome to write in and submit to the Chronicle. No names need to be attached.

Let us join together as we move forward, rather than being dragged down more with squabbling over the past.


The Convergence Chronicle will accept further submissions labeled The Marigold Project in our everyday mailbox outside the Chronicle Office.

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