Monster Mash

Disclaimer:  The Convergence Chronicle does not condone, agree, promote, or otherwise suggest that readers take any submitted content to heart.  Much of it is for entertainment purposes only and The Convergence Chronicle is not responsible for its reader submitted content.  Validity, truthfulness, and whether or not any of the content is based in fact or fiction is completely impossible for the Chronicle to confirm.  It is entirely possible that the following article is a work of fiction and should be read as such.  Reader's discretion is advised.

!Big Fucking Bat Monster Over Convergence!

Imagine if you will - walking down the streets of Convergence. It's a quiet night, one of the few, or so you think. There is a sound, you look around and back over your shoulder but see nothing.

Did you just imagine it? 

Just as you start to walk again there's anther sound, louder this time, like dry bones snapping. 

This time you realize it's above you. You look and what should you see? A man-sized bat-like creature, its wings outspread. 

As you are trying to comprehend what it is you are looking at, the bat-like monster dives off the roof directly for you. 

Your blood runs cold as you realize in the depths of your being that should it get its claws on you, then you are done for! 

This is something that has actually happened and not just some fanciful tale. 

The person that this happened to managed to escape thanks to the creature misjudging distance and catching itself on the Bistro's fence. 

But what exactly was it? Where did it come from and is it still flying around in our skies? 

Now dear readers I am asking this of you; have you seen this creature? Send us in your sightings if you have! 


The Convergence Chronicle will accept stories of 'The Giant Bat' and other Monster Scary Stories in our mailbox outside the office.

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