Saturday, December 2, 2017

The Ice Man Cometh


The Wendigo is a natural scourge that is unleashed upon the world by an unnatural means. The stories say that a person can be infected in mere moments, or dragged about for as long as months. One of the most obvious symptoms is overt aggression, and at deeper stages, a near feral rage and murderous, cannibalistic hunger overtakes the individual. 

This begs the question; why do we not hear of this sort of thing more often? Perhaps, we do. 

There are stories of people getting inebriated on substances quite often, with vicious, violent attacks. Some examples include strange acts of violence in Florida, known as the "Miami Zombie" and the "Causeway Cannibal." 

In 2012, a nude assailant attacked and maimed a homeless man that left the victim blinded, and severely maimed. Another well known incident was in California in 2010. A man gouged out his combat training partner's heart, eyes and tongue, all while he was still alive. Witness testimonies detail the two men's increasing paranoia as it spiraled out of control. Again, one could point to the drug use, but perhaps that was merely another symptom. 

Then, there is the most well known case; The Donner Party.  During the grueling pilgrimage to California, moods soured and tensions mounted. They had already had to have numerous detours and endured rough roads, so it only embittered them further. One of the men became incensed that another man was taking interest in his wife. In a strange turn, the man became violent, and he attacked, and stabbed the would be suitor. He was exiled, left in the salt flats. The rest, we know well with history; a bitter storm, starvation, and cannibalism. 

So, one could argue that these were merely the repercussions of drug use and brutal stress, but the symptoms also are well in line what we have seen from Wendigo infection. Postmortem, it is hard to say.

Several of the citizens of Convergence gathered in a small cave, myself included, to assist in binding one of these creatures. While  it is was but one of many, the ritual was a success to quarantine the creature, thereby preventing it from infecting others. A hunting party moved in the forests, seeking others, and the hunt yet continues. 

There is no word on the quality of cellular signals in the caves, but, there is a Windigo there, so interested buyers are discouraged. 

Reporter: Alexi Alkaev-Kurosawa

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